In many StackOverflow questions about git (and in the git man pages themselves), history logs are rendered with ASCII like this

      A---B---C topic
D---E---F---G master

While they are not a complete history log representation (for example, they use letters rather than hash codes), I find that they are very useful while talking about merge, rebasing and other topics, especially in emails.

AFAIK, git log can produce very pretty, vertical, history log representation like

enter image description here

Yet I think those serves other goals.

How could I produce horizontal, ascii git history logs, using git (and eventually other tools)?


2 回答 2


据我所知,Git 没有任何东西可以显示水平日志。我用谷歌搜索“git log Horizo​​ntal”并在第一页上没有找到任何东西。也许有人可以编写一个插件来做到这一点。

于 2013-08-12T07:39:29.750 回答

我见过一个本机 bash one-liner,它以描述的方式打印 git log,这就是我再次搜索它的原因。


于 2016-06-06T16:00:00.867 回答