不过数据量不是很大。即使您在过去 30 年中的每一天、每一年的每一秒都有数据,有 300 个库存,您仍然可以设法将所有这些数据存储在更高端的家用计算机(例如,MAC Pro)中,因为这相当于 5Tb 未压缩.
我写了一个快速而肮脏的脚本,它将每天在 Yahoo 中追逐 IBM 股票,并“正常”存储它(仅调整后的收盘价)并使用您提到的“差异方法”,然后使用 gzip 压缩它们。您确实获得了节省:16K 与 10K。问题是我没有存储日期,而且我不知道什么值对应什么日期,当然你必须包括这个。
import urllib as ul
import binascii as ba
# root URL
url = 'http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?%s'
# dictionary of options appended to URL (encoded)
opt = ul.urlencode({
's':'IBM', # Stock symbol or ticker; IBM
'a':'00', # Month January; index starts at zero
'b':'2', # Day 2
'c':'1978', # Year 2009
'd':'10', # Month November; index starts at zero
'e':'30', # Day 30
'f':'2009', # Year 2009
'g':'d', # Get daily prices
'ignore':'.csv', # CSV format
# get the data
data = ul.urlopen(url % opt)
# get only the "Adjusted Close" (last column of every row; the 7th)
close = []
for entry in data:
# get rid of the first element (it is only the string 'Adj Close')
# write to file
f1 = open('raw.dat','w')
for element in close:
# simple function to convert string to scaled number
def scale(x):
return int(float(x)*100)
# apply the previously defined function to the list
close = map(scale,close)
# it is important to store the first element (it is the base scale)
base = close[0]
# normalize all data (difference from nom)
close = [ close[k+1] - close[k] for k in range(len(close)-1)]
# introduce the base to the data
# define a simple function to convert the list to a single string
def l2str(list):
out = ''
for item in list:
if item>=0:
out += '+'+str(item)
out += str(item)
return out
# convert the list to a string
close = l2str(close)
f2 = open('comp.dat','w')
:sandbox jarrieta$ ls -lh
total 152
-rw-r--r-- 1 jarrieta staff 23K Nov 30 09:28 comp.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 jarrieta staff 47K Nov 30 09:28 raw.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 jarrieta staff 1.7K Nov 30 09:13 stock.py
:sandbox jarrieta$ gzip --best *.dat
:sandbox jarrieta$ ls -lh
total 64
-rw-r--r-- 1 jarrieta staff 10K Nov 30 09:28 comp.dat.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 jarrieta staff 16K Nov 30 09:28 raw.dat.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 jarrieta staff 1.7K Nov 30 09:13 stock.py