我在 103/104 处评论了错误,我需要在某一时刻从序列化数组中获取它,因此转换(抱歉)我试图创建一个可以查找需要删除的功能的函数。
我查找数组的所有内容我都找不到我拥有的确切内容,它有 [0] => 作为顶部数组,当我尝试它的示例时,它不会与我拥有的相同数组接缝。因此在这里提问。
谢谢你的帮助,下面是我的 php 代码
// version:
$testarray =
"heading" => Array
"0" => 'Salads',
"1" => 'Salads',
"2" => 'Pasta',
"special" => Array
"0" => '',
"1" => '',
"2" => '',
"item" => Array
"0" => 'Small Green',
"1" => 'Regular Caesar',
"2" => 'Baked Lasagna',
"description" => Array
"0" => 'Grape tomatoes, onions, green peppers and cucumbers on the bed of crisp lettuce.',
"1" => 'Classic recipe with romaine lettuce and croutons',
"2" => 'With meat sauce, tomato vegetarian sauce or Alfredo sauce',
"price" => Array
"0" => 'See Desc',
"1" => '$5.99',
"2" => '$9.69',
"notes" => Array
"0" => 'Available in Small ($2.99), Regular ($5.99)',
"1" => '',
"2" => '',
"submit_val" => 'Submit'
// does not work errors at this - Using $this when not in object context in
function recursion($array0) {
foreach ($array0 as $key0 => $value0) {
echo $value0;
if (is_array($value0))
echo "recursion array<br>";
echo recursion($testarray);
echo "testarray";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
echo "<hr>";
$removed_array = removeItem(serialize($testarray), '"Submit"');
echo "removed array";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
// need to test this too for if it works or not need to add complete set ie
// header='pasta', special='',item = 'Spaghetti with Meatballs', descriotion = 'Spaghetti with 4 Meatballs', price='$9.99',notes=''
// need to be able to add above line to array [3] line
function addItem($serializedArray, $item)
$a = unserialize($serializedArray);
$a[] = $item;
return serialize($a);
// trying to remove [submit_val] => Submit
global $serializedArray;
$serializedArray = array();
function removeItem($serializedArray, $remove){
echo "passed array";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
$a = unserialize($serializedArray);
echo "search for remove: ".$remove."<br>";
foreach($a as $key => $value) {
echo $key . ' = ' . $value . '<br>';
// get error here as Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() for next line
foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) {
echo $key2 . ' = ' . $value2 . '<br>';
if ($value2 == $remove) {
echo "at value now ".$value2;
echo "search for remove: ".$remove;
echo "unset: ". $a[$key2];
}// if
else {
//echo "didnt find: ".$remove."<br>";
}// if
} //for each inner key2
} // ofr each outer key
return serialize($a);
} // function
works now thank you
function recursion($array0) {
foreach ($array0 as $key0 => $value0) {
echo $value0;
if (is_array($value0))
return recursion($value0);
echo "recursion array<br>";
echo '<pre>';
echo recursion($testarray);
echo '</pre>';