我想使用 libgdx 在我的游戏代码中使用视差屏幕,其中屏幕在 y 方向移动。我的游戏代码是...

   public class ParallaxLayer{
   public TextureRegion region ;
   public Vector2 parallaxRatio;
   public Vector2 startPosition;
   public Vector2 padding ;
   public ParallaxLayer(TextureRegion region,Vector2 parallaxRatio,Vector2 padding){
      this(region, parallaxRatio, new Vector2(0,0),padding);

   public ParallaxLayer(TextureRegion region,Vector2 parallaxRatio,Vector2 startPosition,Vector2 padding){
      this.region  = region;
      this.parallaxRatio = parallaxRatio;
      this.startPosition = startPosition;
      this.padding = padding;

   public class ParallaxBackground {
   private ParallaxLayer[] layers;
   private Camera camera;
   private SpriteBatch batch;
   private Vector2 speed = new Vector2();

   public ParallaxBackground(ParallaxLayer[] layers,float width,float height,Vector2 speed){
      this.layers = layers;
      camera = new OrthographicCamera(width, height);
      batch = new SpriteBatch();

   public void render(float delta){
    this.camera.position.add(speed.x * delta, speed.y * delta, 0);
    for(ParallaxLayer layer : layers){
        float currentY = - camera.position.y * layer.parallaxRatio.y % ( layer.region.getRegionHeight() + layer.padding.y) ;

        if( speed.y < 0 )
            currentY += -( layer.region.getRegionHeight() + layer.padding.y);
            float currentX = -camera.position.x * layer.parallaxRatio.x % ( layer.region.getRegionWidth() + layer.padding.x) ;
            if( speed.x < 0)
                currentX += -(layer.region.getRegionWidth() + layer.padding.x);
                        -this.camera.viewportWidth/2 + currentX + layer.startPosition.x ,
                        -this.camera.viewportHeight/2 + currentY + layer.startPosition.y);
                currentX += ( layer.region.getRegionWidth() + layer.padding.x);
            }while(currentX < camera.viewportWidth);
            currentY += ( layer.region.getRegionHeight() + layer.padding.y);
        }while( currentY < camera.viewportHeight);


 ParallaxBackground rbg = new ParallaxBackground(new ParallaxLayer[]{
                new ParallaxLayer(bgRegion,new Vector2(),new Vector2(0, 0)),
                new ParallaxLayer(bgRegion2,new Vector2(1.0f,1.0f),new Vector2(0, 500)),
                new ParallaxLayer(bgRegion3,new Vector2(0.1f,0),new Vector2(0,480),new Vector2(0, 0)),
        }, 480, 800, new Vector2(350,0)); 


1 回答 1

ParallaxBackground rbg = new ParallaxBackground(new ParallaxLayer[]{
            new ParallaxLayer(bgRegion,new Vector2(),new Vector2(0, 0)),
            new ParallaxLayer(bgRegion2,new Vector2(1.0f,1.0f),new Vector2(0, 500)),
            new ParallaxLayer(bgRegion3,new Vector2(0.1f,0),new Vector2(0,480),new Vector2(0, 0)),
    }, 480, 800, new Vector2(0,350)); 


if u read the documentation of this class u find that the last parameter is the relative velocity ratio and u passed 0 in y. u need to pass some other value than it

i am giving another sample of my game

   new ParallaxLayer(Assets.backgroundSprite, new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 200000)), 
       new ParallaxLayer(Assets.clouds, new Vector2(0, 0.05f), new Vector2(0, 440), new Vector2(0, 200000)),
        new ParallaxLayer(Assets.cloud1, new Vector2(0.4f, 0), new Vector2(240, 750), new Vector2(1000, 200000)), 
        new ParallaxLayer(Assets.cloud2, new Vector2(0.06f, 0), new Vector2(40, 600), new Vector2(500, 200000)),
        new ParallaxLayer(Assets.cloud1, new Vector2(0.5f, 0), new Vector2(700, 680), new Vector2(1500, 200000)), 

hope it helps u out

于 2013-08-11T12:59:16.640 回答