
  1. 获取申请特定工作的人的详细信息,
  2. 工作的详细信息,以及
  3. 一份简历


    public function sendapplication() {

    if ($this -> request -> is('post')) {
        $this -> JobApplication -> create();
        $userid = CakeSession::read("UserAuth.User.id");
        //this reads the current user id in the session established when the user logged in and uses it to store the job alert
        $this -> JobApplication -> data['JobApplication']['user_id'] = $userid;

        //$this -> JobApplication -> data['JobApplication']['job_post_id'] = $this -> JobApplication -> JobPost -> id;
        $job_post_id = CakeSession::read('jobpost.id');//reading the job id session set above
        $this -> JobApplication -> data['JobApplication']['job_post_id'] = $job_post_id;

        $minorjobdetails = $this -> JobApplication -> sendapplicationmodel($job_post_id);

        foreach ($minorjobdetails as $minorjobdetail) :
            $this -> JobApplication -> data['JobApplication']['jobTitle'] = $minorjobdetail['JobPost']['jobTitle'];
            $this -> JobApplication -> data['JobApplication']['employer'] = $minorjobdetail['JobPost']['contactName'];

        $jobless = $this->JobApplication->JobPost->findById($job_post_id );
        $job_applicant = $this->JobApplication->User->findById($userid);

        $job_resume = $this -> request-> data['JobApplication']['resume_id'];
        $attachedresume = current($this -> request-> data['JobApplication']['quickresume']);
        $attachedresumepath = next($this -> request-> data['JobApplication']['quickresume']);
        $attachedresumepath1 = next($this -> request-> data['JobApplication']['quickresume']);
        $this -> log('Job resume id-' . $job_resume, LOG_DEBUG);
        if ($this -> JobApplication -> save($this -> request -> data, false)) {
            //$this -> Session -> setFlash(__('job application sent'));
            $this->Session->setFlash('job application sent successfully', 'success', array('class' => 'alert alert-success'));
            $this->JobApplication->sendJobApplicationMail($jobless, $job_applicant, $job_resume, $attachedresume, $attachedresumepath, $attachedresumepath1);
            $this->JobApplication->deliveryReportEmail($job_applicant, $jobless);
            $this -> redirect('/jobsposted');
        } else {
            $this -> Session -> setFlash(__('job application could not be sent. Please, try again.'));





        echo $this->Form->create('JobApplication', array('type' => 'file', 'enctype' =>'multipart/form-data', 'controller' => 'JobApplications', 'action' => 'sendapplication'));

        foreach($jobseeker as $js):
        echo $this->Form->input('fullname', array('class' => 'span6', 'value' => $js['User']['first_name']));
        // debug($js['User']['first_name']);

        echo $this->Form->input('lastname', array('class' => 'span6', 'value' => $js['User']['last_name'] ));
        echo "<div class=\"input-prepend\">";
        echo $this->Form->label('email');
        echo "<span class=\"add-on\"><i class=\" icon-envelope\"></i></span>".$this->Form->input('email', array('class' => 'span6', 'value' => $js['User']['email'], 'label' => false, 'div' => false));
        echo "</div>";
        echo $this->Form->input('comment_application_letter', 
                                            'type' => 'textarea',
                                            'cols' => 50,
                                            'class' => 'span6', 
                                            'label' => 'Comment/ Application letter', 
                                            'placeholder' => 'E.g. My name is John Doe. I would like to apply for the marketing job position as posted on ABC company site on mm/dd/yyyy'

        echo $this->Form->input('JobApplication.resume_id', array('label' => 'Select resume', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $myResume));
        // echo $this->Form->label($fieldName = 'selected-file', $text = 'Resume:');

        // echo $this->Form->input('JobApplication.dropboxurl',array('type'=>'dropbox-chooser', 'name'=>'selected-file', 'id'=>'db-chooser', 'label' => false, 'visibilty' => 'hidden'));
        echo $this->Form->input('JobApplication.quickresume', array('type' => 'file', 'label' => 'Attach resume'));
        // echo $this->Form->input('', array('label' => 'Resume url', 'id' => 'dropboxurl', 'type' => 'text', 'div' => false, 'disabled', 'value' => '', 'class' => 'span6'));

        echo "<br>";

        echo $this->Form->button(__('Submit'),array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary'))



public function sendJobApplicationMail($jobless, $job_applicant, $job_resume, $attachedresume, $attachedresumepath, $attachedresumepath1) {
    // send email to newly created user
    $userId = $jobless['JobPost']['id'];
    $email = new CakeEmail();

    $fromConfig = 'example@example.com';
    $fromNameConfig = 'Jobs';
    $email -> from(array($fromConfig => $fromNameConfig));
    $email -> sender(array($fromConfig => $fromNameConfig));
    $email -> to($jobless['JobPost']['jobapplicationEmail']);
    $email -> subject(SITE_NAME . ': ' . __('Job Application'));


    // pr($email->filePaths = array($attachedresumepath1)); 
    // exit;
    $email -> attachments(array('CV'=> $attachedresume));

    $email -> emailFormat('html');
    $email -> template('applicant', 'fancy');
    $email -> theme('Default');
    $email -> viewVars(array('employer' => $jobless['JobPost']['contactName'], 'applicant_fname' => $job_applicant['User']['first_name'], 'applicant_sname' => $job_applicant['User']['last_name'], 'aplicant_email' => $job_applicant['User']['email']));

    // $employer_contact_name = $jobless['JobPost']['contactName'];
    // $job_applicant_fname = $job_applicant['User']['first_name'];

    $body = __('Hi %s,<br/><br/>The below named person has shown interest on a job you posted;the details of the applicant are as follows: %s.<br/><br/>Thanks,<br/>%s', $jobless['JobPost']['contactName'], $job_applicant['User']['first_name'], SITE_NAME);
    try {
        $result = $email -> send($body);
        $this -> log('Job apllication mail sent to job post id-' . $userId, LOG_DEBUG);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        // we could not send the email, ignore it
        $result = "Could not send job application  email to userid-" . $userId;
        $this -> log($result, LOG_DEBUG);


文件未找到: ””


Stack Trace APP/Model/JobApplication.php 第 98 行 → CakeEmail->attachments(array) array('CV' => 'CAT 1 EvnCourseMay13.doc')



1 回答 1


The exception message is pretty clear: The file can not be found. Debug your code (Unit tests for the win) and figure out why the passed file path value is empty or the wrong file path.

I would say the issue is that you're missing to pass the whole path, you just use the file name. Read the stack trace.

And by the way: If you don't want to allow these files to be public accessible you should not put them into the webroot... And there is a bunch of other issues with the way you store the files but that's another story.

于 2013-08-11T11:46:48.933 回答