I was using Theme.Holo as parent in my application before trying to target lower versions of Android OS. To adapt my application to older versions, I have to use ActionBarSherlock library. But it requires the theme of the application be one of ActionBarSherlock's own themes (Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar instead of Theme.Holo).

I still need to use Theme.Holo. But it is not possible by default.

Are there any modifications done do make this happen?


1 回答 1


Holo旧版本的 android 不知道主题,定义了for 的ActionBarSherlock必要部分。如果您需要在旧版本上具有相同的外观(尽管它看起来不是原生的),您可以使用HoloEverywhere库。Holo StyleActionBar

作为替代方案,您可以Holo-Styled drawables使用Android Holo Colors Generator Project生成

于 2013-08-11T10:48:35.127 回答