So I have an Oracle database connected to Netbeans, and when I run a select statement in the Oracle command line I can see the data in the tables.
The problem is that Netbeans database browser doesn't see the data. I right-click on the table I want to see, and click "view data..." and all my tables show up as empty.
I connected to it using Oracle Thin and ojdbc6.jar if that matters. Just wondering if I missed anything and what could possibly be causing this problem. I just tried with ojdbc14.jar too and still no data in tables.
UPDATE: So I was able to run an insert using the Netbeans tool for doing so, and it was successful,I can actually see data in my table (Just the one I inserted into). However, it's the only row I can see in the table, but I can see 5 rows using the Oracle command line. Not sure what to think of this...
EDIT: Really don't see how it's unclear what the question is... It was already answered too.