Since moving our Magento store from Hostgator to Rackspace the percentage coupon codes are no longer applying the discount. When you enter a coupon code it says the coupon code was applied but no discount is given. Curiously, if you change it from a percentage discount to a fixed amount the discount is applied.

I have made no changes to these coupon codes. All I have done is move the website from Hostgator to Rackspace. I cannot, for the life of me, figure our why percentage coupon codes would be affected while others would not.



1 回答 1


每 5 分钟安装一个 cronjob 来调用 cron.php!因为活动规则的价格将通过 sql 加入...或从 adminhtml 调用“保存并应用规则”

于 2013-08-11T07:39:47.020 回答