  1. 我收到如下警告:“从不兼容的指针类型传递 'arraySumLoc' 的参数 1”
  2. 通过函数arraySumLoc()得到的结果不正确,无法弄清楚原因。
  3. 如果我想在数组声明期间使用 maloc() ,那将是什么修改。


typedef struct item {
    double cost;
    double commission;
} item;

typedef struct loc {
    int x;
    int y;
} loc;

double arraySumLoc(struct item *arr, loc fromLoc, loc toLoc) {

    double sumOfCost = 0.0;
    int fromX, fromY, toX, toY, indexX, indexY;

    if (fromLoc.x > toLoc.x) {
        fromX = toLoc.x;
        toX = fromLoc.x;
    } else {
        fromX = fromLoc.x;
        toX = toLoc.x;

    if (fromLoc.y > toLoc.y) {
        fromY = toLoc.y;
        toY = fromLoc.y;
    } else {
        fromY = fromLoc.y;
        toY = toLoc.y;

    for(indexX = fromX; indexX <= toX; indexX++) {
        for (indexY = fromY; indexY <= toY; indexY++) {
            sumOfCost += ((struct item*)(arr+indexX))[indexY].cost;
    return sumOfCost;

int main() {

    int i, j, row, col;

    printf("Enter number of row: ");
    scanf("%d", &row);
    printf("Enter number of Column: ");
    scanf("%d", &col);

    struct item product[row][col];

    for(i = 0; i < row; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < col; j++) {
            scanf("%lf", &product[i][j].cost);

    loc fromLoc, toLoc;
    fromLoc.x = 0;
    fromLoc.y = 0;
    toLoc.x = row - 1;
    toLoc.y = col - 1;

    printf("\n\nSum of cost : %.2lf", arraySumLoc((struct item**)(&product), fromLoc, toLoc));

    return 0;

2 回答 2


double arraySumLoc(struct item *arr, loc fromLoc, loc toLoc) {

double sumOfCost = 0.0;     
int fromX, fromY, toX, toY, indexX, indexY;

if (fromLoc.x > toLoc.x) {
    fromX = toLoc.x;
    toX = fromLoc.x;
} else {
    fromX = fromLoc.x;
    toX = toLoc.x;

if (fromLoc.y > toLoc.y) {
    fromY = toLoc.y;
    toY = fromLoc.y;
} else {
    fromY = fromLoc.y;
    toY = toLoc.y;

for(indexX = fromX + 1; indexX <= toX; indexX++) {
    for (indexY = fromY + 1; indexY <= toY; indexY++) {
        sumOfCost += ((struct item*)(arr+indexX))[indexY].cost;
return sumOfCost;

} printf("\n\n总成本 : %.2f", arraySumLoc((struct item**)(&product), fromLoc, toLoc));

于 2013-08-11T06:08:37.237 回答

double arraySumLoc(struct item **arr, loc fromLoc, loc toLoc) {

double sumOfCost = 0.0;     
int fromX, fromY, toX, toY, indexX, indexY;

if (fromLoc.x > toLoc.x) {
    fromX = toLoc.x;
    toX = fromLoc.x;
} else {
    fromX = fromLoc.x;
    toX = toLoc.x;

if (fromLoc.y > toLoc.y) {
    fromY = toLoc.y;
    toY = fromLoc.y;
} else {
    fromY = fromLoc.y;
    toY = toLoc.y;

for(indexX = fromX + 1; indexX <= toX; indexX++) {
    for (indexY = fromY + 1; indexY <= toY; indexY++) {
        sumOfCost += (((struct item*)arr+indexX))[indexY].cost;
return sumOfCost;

} printf("\n\n总成本 : %.2f", arraySumLoc((struct item**)(&product), fromLoc, toLoc));

于 2013-08-11T06:17:26.120 回答