I'm searching for a consultation, or maybe an opinion, a suggestion, or something like this.

I'm starting a project (desktop application) that is something like an IDE for writing books/reports. I'm planing to introduce LaTeX features, if I can name them in a such way.

So the question is: Is it possible to integrate a LaTeX script or plug-in in my software in order to have the needed features?

Waiting for questions or suggestions on my topic. Thanks in advance! P.S. Sorry if this topic was already posted.


2 回答 2


不确定我是否正确理解了您的问题。我从未听说过某种 LaTeX 库或某种插件,它们很容易集成到其他程序中。

您将您的问题标记为“qt”,所以我假设您使用 Qt 作为您的框架。我看到将 LaTeX 集成到 Qt 中的唯一方法是使用 QProcess。编写您的 LaTeX 代码,使用 QProcess 启动 pdflatex。那么问题是您是否可以对创建的 pdf 文件做一些事情。

于 2013-08-10T21:41:58.947 回答

寻找 MikTeX 和 TeXworks。如果你用谷歌搜索这些,你应该能够获得下载这些的链接。那应该做你需要的。

于 2013-08-10T20:55:26.633 回答