我有一些关于在 Mac 上为 iOS 部署项目的问题(iPhone 模拟器或 iPod touch 真实设备,通过 USB 连接到 iMac)。

关于我的问题,当我尝试部署时 - 我在 iMac 上的 Xamarin Studio 的控制台中收到了这样的消息:

/Developer/MonoTouch/usr/bin/mtouch -sdkroot "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer"
 -installdev "/Users/Sladky/Projects/tst/tst/bin/iPhone/Debug/tst.app" "--devname=iPod touch
 (Oleg)" Please ensure your device is connected... Connected to: iPod touch (Oleg) Uploading
 application Application uploaded Installing application Installation failed: Your application
 failed code-signing checks. Check your certificates, provisioning profiles, and bundle ids
 (error: 0xe8008015) error MT1006: Could not install the application
 '/Users/Sladky/Projects/tst/tst/bin/iPhone/Debug/tst.app' on the device 'iPod touch (Oleg)':
 Your application failed code-signing checks. Check your certificates, provisioning profiles,
 and bundle ids (error: 0xe8008015). The application was terminated by a signal: SIGHUP

1 回答 1


这是关于Ad Hoc Deployment的文档。使用 Xamarin 进行部署与使用 Apple 工具进行本机开发时基本相同。您需要在 Apple 创建一个开发帐户、注册您的设备、创建一个 Ad-Hoc 分发配置文件等

于 2013-08-10T17:40:21.817 回答