I'm working on a C# dll bind to UDK, in which you have to return a unsigned 32 bit integer for bool values - hence 0 is false, anything greater is true. The UDK gets the value and converts it to either true or false...
I was doing some code and found this:
[DllExport("CheckCaps", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static UInt32 CheckCaps()
return ( Console.CapsLock ? 1 : 0);
gave me the error of:
"Error, Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'uint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)"
While I understand the error, I didnt have this issue before doing
if (File.Exists(filepath))
return 1;
return 0;
From the way it looks like C#'s issue with string typecasting, where if you have this:
int example = 5;
Console.Writeline( example);
Console.Writeline( example + "");
The first console.writeline will give an error because C# won't autotype cast to a string
I understand that there are logical reasons behind these errors (as they occur in these situations) , but is there a fix for this other than doing Convert.ToUInt32(1) and Convert.ToUInt32(0)?
(I'm hoping for a fix akin to how you can go 0.f for floats, but for unsigned intergers)