
I have built a JPanel which is painted based on a 2D array of data which the user can draw on.

I'm wondering if it is possible to somehow allow the user to upload a background picture, then set the size of the array based on the image to allow them to draw over it by filling in array cells. Then of course, rubbing out the colour in a cell should get back the original segement of the image.

Is this at all possible? I haven't found anything? I have the array at the moment and drawing using a MouseMotionListener but can't seem to find a way to set the 2D array size based on an image and then display it behind the 2d array.


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我目前有数组并使用 MouseMotionListener 进行绘图,但似乎找不到基于图像设置 2D 数组大小然后将其显示在 2d 数组后面的方法。


于 2013-08-09T23:02:10.823 回答