我在尝试将文件保存到我正在使用的 WinRT 应用程序的文件夹中时遇到问题。更具体地说:我无法检索文件夹。我需要保存一些文件,然后从同一个文件夹中检索它们,假设MyFolder它实际上在应用程序中与Assets文件夹处于同一级别。我怎样才能做到这一点?


await Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFolderAsync("MyFolder")

await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync("MyFolder");





2 回答 2


Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation will give you the 'file system' defined by the application package, so you'd see you the commonly used Asset folder, for instance, via the URI ms-appx:///Assets Anything accessed via InstalledLocation or the ms-appx scheme is read-only because it's defined by the project you deployed from Visual Studio.

ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder allows you to access the 'file system' owned by the current application/user (and stored at %AppData%/Local/Packages/<yourapppackage>/LocalState). You can create whatever structure you want here to manage your various roles, and use the ms-appdata:///local/DirLeve1/DirLeve2/File3 URI to access your files). That storage is retained through updates to your application, though, of course, you'll need a strategy for updating whatever stored data formats are required to interact with the newer version of your application.

It sounds like you're assuming LocalFolder cannot contain a folder hiearachy; it can, and so you could have a Recents subfolder for instance under the LocalFolder reference and handle things that way.

于 2013-08-10T01:40:07.143 回答


await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync("ms-appx:///MyFolder");

此外,您需要确保该文件夹实际上包含在输出中。我不确定你是如何在 C# 项目中做到这一点的——在 C++ 中,它是通过将文件夹/文件的“Is Content”构建属性设置为 true 来实现的。

于 2013-08-10T00:45:43.003 回答