We've got an InfoPath floating around that was created in InfoPath 2010. It has been distributed to a handful of users through a SharePoint document library - unfortunately users with InfoPath 2007 aren't able to submit the form, or even open it. They receive the error message: "The form template was created with a newer version of InfoPath. This form template was created by InfoPath version 14.0.0."

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there a known procedure for converting .xsn files from version 14.0.0 to a version compatible with InfoPath 2007?


1 回答 1


要在 InfoPath 2007 中打开表单,您需要将表单的兼容性设置为 InfoPath 2007。您可以在“表单选项”对话框中执行此操作。如果您使用过任何较新的功能,例如人员选取器,它可能会降低您的用户体验并迫使您重新创建其中一些控件。

如果您不需要 InfoPath 客户端的某些更高级的功能,您可以考虑让您的用户使用 Web 浏览器界面访问表单。您可以将此设置为文档库的默认打开模式,也可以在打开表单时将“?OpenIn=Browser”放在 URL 中。请参阅Microsoft 网站上有关使用支持 Web 的表单的查询字符串参数的详细信息。

于 2013-08-10T21:25:39.317 回答