每个人都知道当窗口关闭时浏览器会关闭会话......对这个问题感兴趣以深入了解会话 cookie 的工作原理。


会话 cookie 永远不会写入硬盘驱动器,它们不会从用户的计算机上收集任何信息。会话 cookie 在用户的浏览器会话结束时过期,并且在会话处于非活动状态指定的时间长度(通常为 20 分钟)后也可能不再可访问。

所以,问题是 - 普通浏览器中的会话多长时间 - chrome,firefox,即opera?


1 回答 1


The session is alive as long as the browser and the server think it's alive for - for the browser, that is typically as long as the browser is open (assuming no "remember me" functionality). But the webserver may discard the session data if it thinks the client has gone away. For many web servers, this is set to be 20 minutes sin ce the previous request on that session - this is not dependant on the vendor of the browser.

于 2013-08-09T16:28:05.297 回答