
class Base
    public $extA;
    public $extB;

    function __construct()


    public function Init()
        $this->extA = new ExtA();
        $this->extB = new ExtB( $this );

    public function Test()
        return 'Base Test Here!';

扩展基类的 ExtA 类

class ExtA extends Base
    public function Test()
        return 'ExtA Test Here!';

类 ExtB 也扩展了基类

class ExtB extends Base
    private $base;

    public function __construct( $base )
        $this->base = $base;

    public function Test()
        return 'ExtB calling ExtA->Test()::' . $this->base->extA->Test();

$base = new Base();

var_dump( $base->Test() );
var_dump( $base->extA->Test() );
var_dump( $base->extB->Test() );

我尝试从 ExtB 调用 ExtA 类 Test() 函数,ExtA 和 ExtB 都在扩展 Base 类。我的问题是:这样可以吗,还是有更好、更快的解决方案?


class ExtA
class ExtB



1 回答 1


这是 OOP 的奇怪方式。Base 类不应该知道任何关于它的孩子的事情,所以我们应该走更正确的方法。让我们实现装饰器模式:

interface IExt
    public function test();

abstract class ExtDecorator implements IExt
    protected $instance;

    public function __construct(IExt $ext)
        $this->instance = $ext;

class ExtA extends ExtDecorator
    public function test()
        return 'ExtA::test here and calling... ' . $this->instance->test();

class ExtB extends ExtDecorator
    public function test()
        return 'ExtB::test is here and calling... ' . $this->instance->test();

class Base implements IExt
    public function test()
        return 'Base::test here!';

class Printer
    public static function doMagic(IExt $ext)
        echo $ext->test()."\n";

Printer::doMagic($base = new Base); 
// Base::test here!
Printer::doMagic($extA = new ExtA($base)); 
// ExtA::test here and calling... Base::test here!
Printer::doMagic(new ExtB($extA)); 
// ExtB::test is here and calling... ExtA::test here and calling... Base::test here!


于 2013-08-16T19:26:02.850 回答