What's wrong with this?

$('tbody').on('click', '.expand', function () {
    var $button = $(this);
    var chart = $button.closest('tr').attr('chart');
    $('tr[chart="' + chart + '"]').slideDown('fast', function () {

Chrome tells me Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'on'


Ok so I decided to upgrade. I upgraded to 1.10 because I may well have IE7/8 users, but every page gives this error now: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'replace' of undefined

Will try an earlier version.


Version 1.7.2 works great :)

Trigger download of file from within Dynamics CRM 2011 Plugin

I have an Entity in Dynamics CRM 2011 where license files are stored in base64-encoded format.

Up until now, the licenses has been delivered by email to the recipient (creating an e-mail activity and adding the file as attachment). I now also want to add the possibility to download the file directly from within Dynamics CRM.

Is there any way for a CRM 2011 Plugin to trigger a download of the file (base64-encoded string) to the client web browser?

I.e. I want the PostLicenseUpdate class / ExecutePostLicenseUpdate function to start/trigger a download of the file.

A very similar problem was solved by creating a separate .aspx on the webserver, however I'd prefer using a built in function i CRM.


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$('tbody .expand').live('click', function(){})
于 2013-08-09T12:38:00.083 回答