我想在 symfony 中上传 zip 文件,但没有这样做。
当我上传文本 ot pdf 或 excel 文件、图像或单个文件时,它上传得很好。
但是当我尝试上传 zip 文件时,它不会返回任何内容,并且也没有错误日志,只有空白页面出现。
class UploadSalaryForm extends BaseForm {
public function configure() {
// Note: Widget names were kept from old non-symfony version
$var = 'salary';
'EmpID' => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(),
'seqNO' => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(),
'MAX_FILE_SIZE' => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(),
'ufile' => new sfWidgetFormInputFile(),
'txtAttDesc' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(),
'screen' => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(),
'commentOnly' => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(),
'EmpID' => new sfValidatorNumber(array('required' => true, 'min'=> 0)),
'seqNO' => new sfValidatorNumber(array('required' => false, 'min'=> 0)),
'MAX_FILE_SIZE' => new sfValidatorNumber(array('required' => true)),
'ufile' => new sfValidatorFile(array('required' => false)),
//'ufile', new sfValidatorFileZip(array('required' => false)),
'txtAttDesc' => new sfValidatorString(array('required' => false)),
'screen' => new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true,'max_length' => 50)),
'commentOnly' => new sfValidatorString(array('required' => false)),
// set up your post validator method
new sfValidatorCallback(array(
'callback' => array($this, 'postValidate')
public function postValidate($validator, $values) {
// If seqNo given, ufile should not be given.
// If seqNo not given and commentsonly was clicked, ufile should be given
$attachId = $values['seqNO'];
$file = $values['ufile'];
$commentOnly = $this->getValue('commentOnly') == "1";
if (empty($attachId) && empty($file)) {
$message = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->__('Upload file missing');
$error = new sfValidatorError($validator, $message);
throw new sfValidatorErrorSchema($validator, array('' => $error));
} else if (!empty($attachId) && $commentOnly && !empty($file)) {
$message = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->__('Invalid input');
$error = new sfValidatorError($validator, $message);
throw new sfValidatorErrorSchema($validator, array('' => $error));
return $values;
* Save employee contract
public function save() {
$empNumber = $this->getValue('EmpID');
$attachId = $this->getValue('seqNO');
$empAttachment = false;
if (empty($attachId)) {
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('EmployeeAttachment a')
->where('a.emp_number = ?', $empNumber);
$result = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
if (count($result) != 1) {
throw new PIMServiceException('MAX(a.attach_id) failed.');
$attachId = is_null($result[0]['MAX']) ? 1 : $result[0]['MAX'] + 1;
} else {
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->select('a.emp_number, a.attach_id')
->from('EmployeeAttachment a')
->where('a.emp_number = ?', $empNumber)
->andWhere('a.attach_id = ?', $attachId);
$result = $q->execute();
if ($result->count() == 1) {
$empAttachment = $result[0];
} else {
throw new PIMServiceException('Invalid attachment');
// New file upload
$newFile = false;
if ($empAttachment === false) {
$empAttachment = new EmployeeAttachment();
$empAttachment->emp_number = $empNumber;
$empAttachment->attach_id = $attachId;
$newFile = true;
$commentOnly = $this->getValue('commentOnly');
if ($newFile || ($commentOnly == '0')) {
$file = $this->getValue('ufile');
echo "file==".$file;
$tempName = $file->getTempName();
$empAttachment->size = $file->getSize();
$empAttachment->filename = $file->getOriginalName();
$empAttachment->attachment = file_get_contents($tempName);;
$empAttachment->file_type = $file->getType();
$empAttachment->screen = $this->getValue('screen');
$empAttachment->attached_by = $this->getOption('loggedInUser');
$empAttachment->attached_by_name = $this->getOption('loggedInUserName');
// emp_id and name
$empAttachment->description = $this->getValue('txtAttDesc');
但是此代码仅适用于单个文件,不适用于 zip 文件。
我想上传和提取 zip 文件。