我一直在按照有关设置 memcached 以支持大值的说明进行操作。
用例基本上是我想在内存中保留一个相当大的机器学习模型,并用它来响应查询。模型的大小可能在 0.5 到 100 MB 之间变化。
这些是我的 /etc/memcached.conf 中的自定义键
# custom flags
-I 10M
-m 200
这是重新启动 memcached 后设置的键:
> sudo service memcached restart
Restarting memcached: memcached.
> echo "stats settings" | nc localhost 11211
STAT maxbytes 67108864
STAT maxconns 1024
STAT tcpport 11211
STAT udpport 11211
STAT inter
STAT verbosity 3
STAT oldest 0
STAT evictions on
STAT domain_socket NULL
STAT umask 700
STAT growth_factor 1.25
STAT chunk_size 48
STAT num_threads 4
STAT num_threads_per_udp 4
STAT stat_key_prefix :
STAT detail_enabled no
STAT reqs_per_event 20
STAT cas_enabled yes
STAT tcp_backlog 1024
STAT binding_protocol auto-negotiate
STAT auth_enabled_sasl no
STAT item_size_max 10485760
STAT maxconns_fast no
STAT hashpower_init 0
STAT slab_reassign no
STAT slab_automove no
因此,似乎有好消息和坏消息:ITEMSIZEMAX 已更改为大约 10 MB,但 maxbytes 仍保持默认为 67 MB。
真正的问题是我仍然无法存储大于 1 MB 的密钥!
如果我运行以下 Python 脚本,则在尝试存储大小为 ~0.4 MB 的 numpy 数组时会失败
from django.core.management import setup_environ
from myapp import settings
key = "test_key"
def store_test(val):
cache.set(key, val)
if cache.get(key) is not None:
return True
return False
from django.core.cache import cache
from numpy import arange
i = 10
while i <= 1000000:
yes = store_test(arange(i))
if yes:
print "stored", i, "successfully"
print "failed to store", i
print "bytes:", arange(i).nbytes
i *= 10
当然,要运行此代码,您需要将“myapp”替换为包含 settings.py 文件的有效 Django 模块。
我编写了一个 bash 脚本来直接测试 memcached,而不是通过 Python,奇怪的是它似乎可以工作!
for i in 10 1000 10000 100000 1000000 2000000 10000000 11000000
bytes=$(yes | head -n $i | tr -d '\n')
echo doing $i bytes
(echo delete key; echo set key 0 900 $i; echo $bytes; echo get key; sleep 1) | telnet localhost 11211 > output_$i
outputsize=$(stat -c%s "output_$i")
echo output size is $outputsize - should be about $(($i+110))
echo delete key | telnet localhost 11211