我正在尝试使用 IPython.parallel 地图。我希望并行化的函数的输入是生成器。由于大小/内存的原因,我无法将生成器转换为列表。请参见下面的代码:

from itertools import product
from IPython.parallel import Client

c = Client()
v = c[:]

def stringcount(longstring, substrings):
    scount = [longstring.count(s) for s in substrings]
    return scount

substrings = product('abc', repeat=2)
longstring = product('abc', repeat=3)

# This is what I want to do in parallel
# I should be 'for longs in longstring' I use range() because it can get long.
for num in range(10): 
    longs = longstring.next()
    subs = substrings.next()
    print(subs, longs)
    count = stringcount(longs, subs)

# This does not work, and I understand why.
# I don't know how to fix it while keeping longstring and substrings as
# generators  
v.map(stringcount, longstring, substrings)

for r in v:

2 回答 2




from math import sqrt

def generate_possible_factors(N):
    """generator for iterating through possible factors for N

    yields 2, every odd integer <= sqrt(N)
    if N <= 3:
    yield 2
    f = 3
    last = int(sqrt(N))
    while f <= last:
        yield f
        f += 2



def is_factor(f, N):
    """is f a factor of N?"""
    return (N % f) == 0


def dumb_prime(N):
    """dumb implementation of is N prime?"""
    for f in generate_possible_factors(N):
        if is_factor(f, N):
            return False
    return True


def parallel_dumb_prime(N, v, max_outstanding=10, dt=0.1):
    """dumb_prime where each factor is checked remotely

    Up to `max_outstanding` factors will be checked in parallel.

    Submission will halt as soon as we know that N is not prime.
    tasks = set()
    # factors is a generator
    factors = generate_possible_factors(N)
    while True:
            # submit a batch of tasks, with a maximum of `max_outstanding`
            for i in range(max_outstanding-len(tasks)):
                f = factors.next()
                tasks.add(v.apply_async(is_factor, f, N))
        except StopIteration:
            # no more factors to test, stop submitting
        # get the tasks that are done
        ready = set(task for task in tasks if task.ready())
        while not ready:
            # wait a little bit for some tasks to finish
            v.wait(tasks, timeout=dt)
            ready = set(task for task in tasks if task.ready())

        for t in ready:
            # get the result - if True, N is not prime, we are done
            if t.get():
                return False
        # update tasks to only those that are still pending,
        # and submit the next batch
    # check the last few outstanding tasks
    for task in tasks:
        if t.get():
            return False
    # checked all candidates, none are factors, so N is prime
    return True

这一次提交有限数量的任务,一旦我们知道 N 不是素数,我们就停止使用生成器。


from IPython import parallel

rc = parallel.Client()
view = rc.load_balanced_view()

for N in range(900,1000):
    if parallel_dumb_prime(N, view, 10):
        print N


于 2013-08-11T04:20:04.007 回答


import IPython
from itertools import product

def stringcount((longstring, substrings)):
    scount = [longstring.count(s) for s in substrings]
    return (longstring, substrings, scount)

def gen_pairs(long_string, sub_strings):
    for l in long_string:
        s = sub_strings.next()
        yield (l, s)

def imap(function, generator, view, preprocessor=iter, chunksize=256):
    num_cores = len(view.client.ids)
    queue = []
    for i, n in enumerate(preprocessor(generator)):
        if not i % (chunksize * num_cores):
            for result in view.map(function, queue):
                yield result
            queue = []
    for result in view.map(function, queue):
        yield result

client = IPython.parallel.Client()
lbview = client.load_balanced_view()

longstring = product('abc', repeat=3)
substrings = product('abc', repeat=2)

for result in imap(stringcount, gen_pairs(longstring, substrings), lbview):
    print result

我看到的输出在这个笔记本上:http: //nbviewer.ipython.org/gist/driscoll/b8de4bf980de1ad890de

于 2014-11-11T21:42:17.543 回答