I am having difficulties getting a specific piece of information from a very LARGE array (so large I can't even paste into here, but here is a link to the array data -> ARRAY DATA )

The code that I am using to get the is the var dump in this code. The get Bookings works fine and gets me the data that I need, but the getShootingTime does not work.

<div class="box-right">
<!--Web702 Module Placeholder - Booking Information -->
  <div class="entry-edit">
     <div class="entry-edit-head">
         <h4 class="icon-head head-bookings"><?php echo Mage::helper('sales')->__('Booking Information') ?></h4>
        <?php echo $_order->getBookings() ?>
        <?php echo $_order->getShootingTime() ?>
        <?php echo var_dump($_order) ?>

My module config file

<?xml version="1.0"?>











        <!-- START Adds the Admin theme switcher, enables to avoid modify admin themes -->
                <!-- web702adminthemecontroller/observer  -->
          <!-- END Adds the Admin theme switcher, enables to avoid modify admin themes -->          





    <!-- START Custom added by Branko Ajzele: Hooks into order save event -->
    <!-- END Custom added by Branko Ajzele: Hooks into order save event -->



I have also tried:

$_order->shootingTime, $this->getOrder->shootingTime, $this->getOrder->getShootingTime 

and a few various other options.

I am running Magento

My specific question is Will you please take a look at the array data and tell me how to retrieve the data that I want which is the shootingTime.

Thank you in advanced


2 回答 2




如果您没有将变量添加到订单对象,从产品到报价再到订单(通过 config.xml 字段集定义),或者直接通过$order->setData('shootingTime', "VALUE")它的缺失。


于 2013-08-08T20:40:44.793 回答

Magento 使用魔术 getter 和 setter ,这意味着它getShootingTime()正在尝试在Mage_Sales_Model_Order名为 的对象上加载一个属性shooting_time。很有可能,订单上根本没有定义此属性,或者由于未设置该属性而返回 null。

于 2013-08-08T19:15:00.833 回答