

 * Mother class defining static methods/attribute
class A
    public static $_greetings = 'Nothing';

    public static function hi()
            $c = get_called_class();
            echo $c.' says '.$c::$_greetings.PHP_EOL;

    public static function set($classname)
            $c = get_called_class();
            $g = $classname::$_greetings;

            echo 'Setting '.$c.'::_greetings to '.$g.PHP_EOL;
            $c::$_greetings = $g;

 * Children using inherited static method
class C1 extends A
    public function say() { self::hi(); }

class C2 extends A
    public function say() { self::hi(); }

 * Data containers
class D1
    public static $_greetings = 'Hello World!';

class D2
    public static $_greetings = 'Ola Chica!';

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * The great misunderstanding...
C1::set( 'D1' );
C2::set( 'D2' );

$c1 = new C1();
$c2 = new C2();


echo C1::$_greetings.PHP_EOL;
echo C2::$_greetings.PHP_EOL;

简而言之A,定义了一种打印静态消息的方法$_greetings。此消息将使用A::set( classname )它来设置,它也接受包含静态参数的类的名称$_greetings。然后是两个孩子,他们定义了自己的方法say()来使用继承的 static 打招呼hi()。我希望输出是:

Setting C1::_greetings to Hello World!
Setting C2::_greetings to Ola Chica!
C1 says Hello World!
C2 says Ola Chica!
Hello World!
Ola Chica!


Setting C1::_greetings to Hello World!
Setting C2::_greetings to Ola Chica!
C1 says Ola Chica!
C2 says Ola Chica!
Ola Chica!
Ola Chica!



1 回答 1


我可以在这里找到答案,即使问题的表述方式不同: PHP 5.3: Late static binding doesn't work for properties when defined in parent class while missing in child class


 * Children using inherited static method
class C1 extends A
    public static $_greetings;
    public function say() { self::hi(); }

class C2 extends A
    public static $_greetings;
    public function say() { self::hi(); }


Setting C1::_greetings to Hello World!
Setting C2::_greetings to Ola Chica!
C1 says Hello World!
C2 says Ola Chica!
Hello World!
Ola Chica!
于 2013-08-08T22:09:39.533 回答