我正在开发一个 C++ 程序,其中有很多类型为 double 的数字(数百万和数十亿的值,小数点右侧只有几个位)。我正在对这些数字进行计算,然后将结果打印到文本/CSV 文件中。我注意到在文本文件中,我所有的数字似乎都是四舍五入的(六位数)。因此,13,169,911 的值在我的输出文件中显示为 13,169,900。
void PrintPropFinance(vector<PropFinance>& PF, int NumProps, int Iterations, int ForecastLength,
string CurDeal, string ModelRunID, string ScenName, Assumptions& Ass) {
string filename;
ofstream OutFile;
ostringstream s1;
s1 << BASEPATH << "Output/" << CurDeal << "_" << ModelRunID << "_" <<
ScenName << "_PropFinance" << ".csv";
filename = s1.str();
// Put in the column headers first
OutFile << "PropID" << ","
<< "Item" << ","
<< "StartDate" << ","
<< "NumOfPeriod" << ","
<< "Result" << ","
<< "Isap" << ","
<< "CurLoanBal" << ","
for (int i=1; i<=NumProps; ++i) {
// Populate the single-vector variables
OutFile << PF[i].PropID << ","
<< PF[i].Item << ","
<< PF[i].StartDate << ","
<< PF[i].NumOfPeriod << ","
<< PF[i].Result << ","
<< PF[i].Isap << ","
<< PF[i].CurLoanBal << ","
<< endl;
// Prop finance class definition
class PropFinance {
string PropID;
int Item;
string StartDate;
int NumOfPeriod;
string Isap;
double CurLoanBal;