我有一个相当“活跃”的 CDR 表,我想在最后 5 分钟内每隔 5 分钟从中选择一次记录。问题是它在其他一些列上生成了一个 SHA ID,所以我所依赖的只是一个时间戳字段,我通过该字段按日期过滤以选择我想要的记录的时间窗口。

下一个问题是,显然我不能保证我的脚本每次都能精确运行,或者服务器的挂钟是正确的(这没关系),最重要的是几乎肯定会有不止一个记录每秒说 3 行 '2013-08-08 14:57:05' 并且在第二个过期之前可能会再插入一个。

到 '2013-08-08 14:57:05' 并获取记录BETWEEN '2013-08-08 14:57:05' AND '2013-08-08 15:02:05'时,我会错过更多的 '2013-08-08 14:57:05' 记录。


  • 不精确的挂钟时间
  • 没有顺序 ID
  • 每秒多条记录
  • 查询执行时间
  • 运行查询的频率不可靠



2 回答 2


I probably not got all the details but to answer to your question title "Reliably select from a database table at fixed time intervals"...

I don't think you could even hope for a query to be run at "second precise" time.

One key problem with that approach is that you will have to deal with concurrent access and lock. You might be able to send the query at fixed time maybe, but your query might be waiting on the DB server for several seconds (or being executed seeing fairly outdated snapshot of the db). Especially in your case since the table is apparently "busy".

As a suggestion, if I were you, I would spend some time to think about queue messaging systems (like http://www.rabbitmq.com/ just to cite one, not presaging it is somehow "your" solution). Anyway those kind of tools are probably more suited to your needs.

于 2013-08-08T14:13:05.600 回答



我会使用 Cron 来处理一些时间间隔和时间。不使用从那以后的时间,而只是通过一直检查来不锁定数据库。

于 2013-08-08T14:15:35.797 回答