我尝试为开发人员 v8.5 安装 websphere 应用程序服务器。我已经安装了安装管理器。然后我从这里下载图像:WebSphere Application Server for Developers、Installation Manager Repository 的所有三个部分。因为我的linux没有GUI,所以我解压了文件并尝试使用安装管理器来安装它。
我使用 :
./imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories /home/user/tmp/wasdev_installer/repository.config
然后我跑了: ./imcl install com.ibm.websphere.DEVELOPERSILAN.v85_8.5.5000.20130514_1044 -repositories /home/user/tmp/wasdev_installer/repository.config -installationDirectory /home/user/Websphere_v85 -accessRights nonAdmin -acceptLicense
CRIMC1017E ERROR: Failed to locate zip com.ibm.websphere.batch_136_all.all 8.5.5000.201305110146. Cannot find the table of contents file for an artifact in the repository. Table of contents files are located under the atoc directory in the repository. If the repository files were transferred from a different location, verify that the files were not altered during the transfer operation. Copy the repository files to a different location and install from that location.