I have a Android app that was made with Java - can I port this to Blackberry 10? Someone told me no, but just wanted to check here.
I have a Android app that was made with Java - can I port this to Blackberry 10? Someone told me no, but just wanted to check here.
BlackBerry 10 可以运行(某些)重新打包为 bar 应用程序的 Android 应用程序。如果您正在谈论它,您必须知道某些 API 不兼容(例如,没有 Google Maps API,不允许使用本机代码)。您可以去那里检查您的应用程序兼容性。
如果您正在谈论开发“纯”BlackBerry 10 应用程序,从您的 Android Java 源代码开始,您将需要用 C++ 重写所有内容。黑莓 10 不运行 Java 代码,但重新打包的 Android 应用程序除外。