在Form GroupExmStart
我Foo method
从 Question 类调用并将所有问题存储在var questions
其中并将其传递给int Quiz method
,我尝试使用将其转换为字符串string[] ab=questions.ToArray();
表单 GroupExmStart
public partial class GroupExmStart : Form
public GroupExmStart(string GroupName, string DurationID)
Question qsn = new Question();
string[] conf = db.GetConfiguration(Convert.ToInt16(DurationID)).Split('|');
var questions = qsn.Foo(TopiID, conf);
int z = Quiz(questions);
int count = 0;
timer1.Interval = Convert.ToInt16(conf[1]) * 1000;
timer1.Tick += new EventHandler(timer1_Tick);
int Quiz(List<Question> questions)
var str = questions.ToArray();
foreach (var item in str)//I am not getting how do i do it Getting `item as namespaceName.Question`
return 0;
private void DisplayQuestion(string id, string Q, string OP1, string OP2, string OP3, string OP4)
label5.Text = Q;
radioButton12.Text = OP4;
radioButton11.Text = OP4;
radioButton10.Text = OP4;
radioButton9.Text = OP4;
public class Question
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public string Option1 { get; set; }
public string Option2 { get; set; }
public string Option3 { get; set; }
public string Option4 { get; set; }
public string AnswerOption { get; set; }
public int Marks { get; set; }
Random _random = new Random();
public IEnumerable<Question> GetQuestions(string topicId, int marks)
string sql = "select QID,Question,Opt1,Opt2,Opt3,Opt4,AnsOp,Marks from Questions where TopicID IN(" +
topicId + ") and Marks=" + marks;
var cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql,acccon);
var rs = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (rs != null)
while (rs.Read())
yield return
new Question
Id = rs[0].ToString() + "~",
Text = rs[1].ToString() + "~",
Option1 = rs[2].ToString() + "~",
Option2 = rs[3].ToString() + "~",
Option3 = rs[4].ToString() + "~",
Option4 = rs[5].ToString() + "~",
AnswerOption = rs[6].ToString() + "~",
Marks = marks
public List<Question> Foo(string TopicId, string[] conf)
var totQsn = Convert.ToInt16(conf[0]);
var mark1qsn = Convert.ToInt16(conf[3]); //this variable contains number of question to be display of mark 1
var mark2qsn = Convert.ToInt16(conf[4]);
var mark3qsn = Convert.ToInt16(conf[5]);
var mark4qsn = Convert.ToInt16(conf[6]);
var mark1questionSet = GetQuestions(TopicId, 1).ToList();
var mark2questionSet = GetQuestions(TopicId, 2).ToList();
var finalQuestions = new List<Question>();
for (int i = 0; i < mark1qsn; i++)
var setIndex = _random.Next(mark1questionSet.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < mark2qsn; i++)
var setIndex = _random.Next(mark2questionSet.Count);
return finalQuestions;