I have created a simple CXF & Spring web service and successfully build a war file using maven. Now I need to package this web service to an EAR file and deploy it on a remote weblogic server.

I have tried searching the web regarding how to using maven to build an EAR file for the CXF & Spring web service but not much information.

Does anyone have done this before and able to share how can I go about doing this?



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maven-ear-plugin 文档涵盖了很多内容。WebLogic 的特定部分是决定将使用哪种生产重新部署策略。如果计划使用“生产重新部署”,则需要在 ear manifest 中添加一个附加条目,以便 WebLogic 具有应用程序的版本信息(更多文档)。这是一个示例部分 POM。


                <version>5</version>  <!-- Java EE version used by the app -->

                        <!-- Must have this if you intend to use production redeployment, use whatever value you like as long as it conforms to WebLogic's version criteria specified in documentation provided -->
                    <!-- other modules here -->

    <!-- Here, you specify dependencies corresponding to the modules -->

于 2013-08-08T14:39:18.630 回答