
locations = {words[i]: map(lambda x: words[x::].index(words[i]) if words[i] in words[x::] and words[x::].index(words[i]) not in self[words[i]] else None, range(len(words))) for i in range(len(words))}

# the important part here is 

and words[x::].index(words[i]) not in self[words[i]]

如果没有 for/while 迭代,是否有可能发生上述情况?


1 回答 1



然而,这并不意味着您不能建立一个以功能方式删除重复项的列表。(请记住,python 不允许 TCO。)


def removeDuplicates (inList, acc):
    if not inList: return acc
    if inList [0] in acc: return removeDuplicates (inList [1:], acc)
    return removeDuplicates (inList [1:], acc + [inList [0] ] )
    #even tail-recursive, although this doesn't help in python

print (removeDuplicates ( [1,2,3,2,3,5,1], [] ) )

作品。所以让我们用它构建一个 lambda 表达式:

rd = lambda inList, acc: acc if not inList else rd (inList [1:], acc + ( [] if inList [0] in acc else [inList [0] ] ) )

print (rd ( [1,2,3,2,3,5,1], [] ) )

也有效。现在让我们为匿名和递归准备这个 lambda:

rd2 = lambda f, inList, acc: acc if not inList else f (f, inList [1:], acc + ( [] if inList [0] in acc else [inList [0] ] ) )

rec = lambda f, *a: f (f, *a)

print (rec (rd2, [1,2,3,2,3,5,1], [] ) )

仍然有效。现在让我们删除 lambda 的名称,我们得到一个递归 lambda,它从另一个构建列表,同时删除重复项(没有for或其他命令式循环):

print ( (lambda f, *a: f (f, *a) ) (lambda f, inList, acc: acc if not inList else f (f, inList [1:], acc + ( [] if inList [0] in acc else [inList [0] ] ) ), [1,2,3,2,3,5,1], [] ) )


如果您喜欢函数式编程,那么lambda f, *a: f (f, *a)肯定会成为您的密友。

inb4import this和 PEP8。

于 2013-08-08T00:36:37.857 回答