您好,我在 cocos2d 游戏中遇到碰撞检测问题。我正在开发一款需要测试子弹是否击中角色的游戏。我正在使用 CGRectIntersectsRect 方法来查看是否发生碰撞。在模拟器中,您可以看到子弹穿过角色,但没有任何反应。如果子弹击中角色,我希望角色消失。在我的代码中,我有一个 CCLOG 语句,如果子弹击中角色,则输出“COLLISION”。此外,我还有另外两个 CCLOG 语句,它们输出项目符号和字符的 contentSize.width。子弹的 contentSize.width 应该是 20.0 但有时它会输出宽度为 0。这是碰撞检测的代码。

CCLOG(@"bullet.contentsize.width = %f",bullet.contentSize.width);
CCLOG(@"character.contentsize.width = %f",character.contentSize.width);
if (CGRectIntersectsRect([bullet boundingBox], [character boundingBox]))
    character.visible = NO;
    bullet.visible = NO;


character = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"mcharacter.png"];
    character.position = ccp(screenWidth/3.4, screenHeight/2 - 100);
    [self addChild:character z:-3];


bullet = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"thebullet.png"];
bullet.color = ccRED;
bullet.position = redEnemy.position;
[self addChild:bullet z:-1];
bulletRect = CGRectMake(bullet.position.x - (bullet.contentSize.width/2),
                        bullet.position.y - (bullet.contentSize.height/2),

CCLOG(@"bullet.contentSize.width = %f", bullet.contentSize.width);
bulletMoveLeft = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:4.0 position:ccp(-screenWidth,       screenHeight/2)];
[bullet runAction:bulletMoveLeft];

[self schedule: @selector(stopBullets:)interval:18.0f/1.0f];

[self unschedule:@selector(shootTheBullets:)];


2013-08-07 16:31:43.637 Zach App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.638 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013- 08-07 16:31:43.638 Zach App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.638 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08- 07 16:31:43.639 Zach App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.639 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08-07 16 :31:43.685 Zach App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.686 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08-07 16:31 :43.686 Zach App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.687 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.687 Zach App[1320:a0b] 项目符号。contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.688 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.688 Zach App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize。宽度 = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.689 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.689 Zach App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.690 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.691 Zach App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentSize.width = 20.000000 2013 -08-07 16:31:43.836 Zach App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.837 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08 -07 16:31:43.838 Zach App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.838 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43。839 扎克应用 [1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.840 扎克应用 [1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.841 扎克App[1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 0.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.842 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.843 Zach App[ 1320:a0b] bullet.contentsize.width = 20.000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.843 Zach App[1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.843 扎克应用 [1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000000000 2013-08-07 16:31:43.843 扎克应用 [1320:a0b] character.contentsize.width = 64.000000


2 回答 2




我不知道为什么当你放入一个 CCSprite 时你会得到一个 CCNode,但无论如何,这是你基本要求的一个简单片段——子弹、角色、子弹伤害、角色伤害。

免责声明:它适用于 cc2d 1.1,非 ARC 。这是我现在很方便的。


#import "CCSprite.h"

@interface Bullet : CCSprite
    float damage;
    CGPoint velocity;

@property float damage;
@property CGPoint velocity;

+(Bullet *) bulletWithDamage:(float) damage andVelocity:(CGPoint) velocity;



#import "Bullet.h"
@implementation Bullet
@synthesize damage, velocity;
+(Bullet *) bulletWithDamage:(float) damage andVelocity:(CGPoint) velocity
    Bullet *bullet = [[[self alloc] initWithFile:@"Icon.png"] autorelease];
    bullet.damage = damage;
    bullet.velocity = velocity;
    bullet.scale = 0.2f;
    return bullet;

-(id) init
    if( (self = [super init]) )
    return self;


#import "cocos2d.h"

@interface PlayTest : CCLayer
    NSMutableArray *bullets;
    CCSprite *character;
    CGSize winSize;



#import "PlayTest.h"
#import "Bullet.h"

@implementation PlayTest

-(id) init
    if( (self=[super init]))
        winSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
        bullets = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 10];

        character = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"Icon.png"];
        character.position = ccp(winSize.width/3.4f, winSize.height/2.0f - 100.0f);
        [self addChild:character z:-3];

        [self schedule:@selector(shootTheBullets:) interval:1.0f repeat: 10 delay: 3.0f];
        [self scheduleUpdate];

    return self;


    float randX = CCRANDOM_0_1() * 0.5f;
    Bullet *b = [Bullet bulletWithDamage:5.0f andVelocity:ccp( randX, -1.0f)];
    b.position = ccp(40.0f, winSize.height);
    [bullets addObject:b];

    [self addChild: b];


-(void) update:(ccTime)dt
    [self moveTheBullets];
    [self checkCollisions];

-(void) moveTheBullets
    for (int i=0; i< bullets.count; i++)
        Bullet *b = (Bullet *)[bullets objectAtIndex:i];
        b.position = ccpAdd(b.position, b.velocity);

-(void) checkCollisions
    NSMutableArray *collisions = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
    BOOL characterHit = NO;
    for (int i=0; i< bullets.count; i++)
        Bullet *b = (Bullet *)[bullets objectAtIndex:i];
        if(CGRectIntersectsRect(character.boundingBox, b.boundingBox) )
            NSLog(@"bullet collision with character");
            [collisions addObject: b];
            characterHit = YES;
        else if (b.position.y < 0.0f)
            NSLog(@"bullet went off screen without hitting anything");
            [collisions addObject: b];
            b.damage = 0.0f;

    for (int i=0; i< collisions.count; i++)
        Bullet *b = (Bullet *)[collisions objectAtIndex:i];

        // you could damage the character here, something like:
        // characterDamage -= b.damage

        [self removeChild:b cleanup:YES];
        [bullets removeObject: b];
        NSLog(@"bullets count is %d", bullets.count);

    if(characterHit) // show character got damaged
        if( ![character numberOfRunningActions])
            id one = [CCActionTween actionWithDuration:0.1f key:@"opacity" from:255 to:128];
            id two = [CCActionTween actionWithDuration:0.1f key:@"opacity" from:128 to:255];
            id onetwo = [CCSequence actions: one, two, nil];
            [character runAction: onetwo];

-(void) dealloc
    [bullets release];
    [super dealloc];

于 2013-08-08T02:23:04.203 回答


  • bullet记录其 contentSize 时为 nil
  • bullet 的 contentSize 为 nil,因为它要么是 CCNode,要么是没有纹理的“可视”节点
  • 子弹的 contentSize 已被修改

第一个很容易测试(断言非零)。第二个是验证子弹实际上是正确的类(例如使用 isKindOfClass:)。最后一个您可以通过在 CCNode 的 setContentSize: 方法中添加断点或记录来进行测试。

于 2013-08-07T22:47:44.170 回答