
  1 function makegraph(A,B)
  2 results=load(A);
  3 time = results(:,3) - 1238370000;
  4 firstTimeIndex = find(time >= (max(time) - 86400*7), 1);
  5 results = results(max(1,firstTimeIndex-1):end, :);%Results now only containe    s data from the last week 
  6 temp = results(:,3)-1238370000;
  7 h=plot(temp,smooth(results(:,1)),':b','linewidth',2)
  8 ylim([0 80])
  9 xlim([max(temp)-(86400*7),max(temp)-1])
 10 set(gca,'color','black')
 11 set(gcf,'color','black') %get's rid of he axis alltogether
 12 hold on
 13 plot(temp, smooth(results(:,4)), 'r', 'linewidth', 2);
 14 plot(temp, smooth(results(:,5)), 'g', 'linewidth', 2);
 15 plot(temp, smooth(results(:,6)), 'm', 'linewidth', 2);
 16 xlim([max(temp)-(86400*7),max(temp)-1])
 17 set(gca,'XTick',[1:86400:(max(temp))+1])
 18 set(gca,'XTickLabel',['Mon';'Tue';'Wed';'Thu';'Fri';'Sat';'Sun'])
 19 print('-djpeg',B)
 20 hold off




set(gca,'color',[1 1 0])
set(gcf,'color',[1 1 0])

使用命令行在 MATLAB 中设置绘图的背景颜色所述?




set(gca,'color','black') set(gcf,'color','black') 设置,我的一些图消失了。

我很困惑..有人可以告诉我为什么在使用命令行在 MATLAB 中设置绘图的背景颜色时接受的答案?不在这里工作...?


1 回答 1


Turns out that the commands were working within MATLAB, they just weren't working on the printed file because, according to http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/matlab/ref/print.html....

By default, MATLAB changes the figure background color of printed output to white, but does not change the color of uicontrols. If you have set the background color, for example, to match the gray of the GUI devices, you must set InvertHardcopy to off to preserve the color scheme. To set InvertHardcopy on the current figure, use the command: set(gcf,'InvertHardcopy','off')

So once I set set(gcf,'InvertHardcopy','off'), everything was peachy... thanks in particular to Molly, who put me on the right track...

于 2013-08-08T06:57:48.923 回答