我在我的 Android 应用程序中实现了以下代码,它拆分了从 SQL 检索到的日期/时间值,并显示自收到消息以来的分钟数/小时数:
//Splits the date and time string retrieved from SQL into two separate strings,
//and stores them into an array
String[] dt_array = m1.getTime().split(" ");
//String date = dt_array[0];
String time = dt_array[1];
//Splits the time into two strings, one for hours and one for minutes, and stores them
//into an array
String[] timeSplit = time.split(":");
String hourString = timeSplit[0];
String minuteString = timeSplit[1];
//converts the new separate time strings to integer variables
int msgHour = Integer.parseInt(hourString);
int msgMinute =Integer.parseInt(minuteString);
Calendar currentTime = Calendar.getInstance();
//retrieves current hour and minute from device and stores in separate ints
int currentHour = currentTime.get(Calendar.HOUR);
int currentMinute = currentTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int hoursSince;
int minutesSince;
String timeDisplay = null;
if (currentHour != 1)
//tells app to display minutes if message was received under an hour ago
if(currentHour - msgHour < 1)
minutesSince = currentMinute - msgMinute;
//if only a minute has passed, text should read "1 minute ago", otherwise use plural "minutes"
if (minutesSince == 1)
timeDisplay = minutesSince + " minute ago";
timeDisplay = minutesSince + " minutes ago";
else if (currentHour - msgHour >= 1)
hoursSince = currentHour - msgHour;
timeDisplay = hoursSince + " hours ago";
//for messages that were received at a 12th hour, if the hour is currently 1, correctly displays 1 hour ago
if(msgHour == 12 && currentHour == 1)
hoursSince = 1;
timeDisplay = hoursSince + " hours ago";
我想要的是添加一个功能,如果小时数超过 24,则显示收到后的天数。我知道这应该很容易,但我不确定如何在 Android 上进行。