如何使用 Java 解析在 Linux 系统上生成的邮件文件?我的意思是,我希望能够提取文件中各种电子邮件的发件人、收件人、时间戳和主题。有什么建议么?
2 回答
it's protected but you can subclass it to use the method. However, the file format is quite simple, if you just want some headers, why not parse it on your own?
Those files belong to the Mail Transfer Agent and maybe the user's mail client. Other programs should tread very softly or better yet keep out altogether. Or is your program a mail client?
The "clean" way to do this would be to open up an SMTP or IMAP connection to the mail server / MTA and ask it for pieces of mail on behalf of your user, using his credentials that he gives you.
There's a Java mail API for this that knows how to do this well: http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/ .