我目前正在以 reStructuredText 格式编写文档。为了美化我使用了很多表格的东西,在这里你可能知道缩进变得非常重要——而且编辑起来很烦人。现在我需要将每行的第一个单词保留在原处,但我需要缩进第二列中的所有单词以对齐。
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xpath meaning
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/div/a fetch all a-tags in all /div tags
//a fetch every a-tag
./@href fetch the href attribute of the current tag
./text() fetch the text held by the current tag
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xpath meaning
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/div/a fetch all a-tags in all /div tags
//a fetch every a-tag
./@href fetch the href attribute of the current tag
./text() fetch the text held by the current tag