I've been bumbling along with EF5 but I cant seem to get two domain classes to map to a single database table.
The error I get is:
Message: "The type 'Basd.Erp.Wms.Purchasing.SupplierProfile' has already been configured as an entity type. It cannot be reconfigured as a complex type."
This is my DbContext:
public class PurchasingContext : DisconnectedEntityContext
public DbSet<SupplierCard> Suppliers { get; set; }
public DbSet<PurchaseCategory> PurchaseCategories { get; set; }
public PurchasingContext() : this("Basd.Erp.Wms") { }
public PurchasingContext(string connectionStringName) : base(connectionStringName) { }
public static PurchasingContext GetInstance(EfDataProvider provider) { return new PurchasingContext(provider.ConnectionStringName); }
These are my classes:
namespace Basd.Erp.Wms.Purchasing
public class SupplierCard : ContactCard, ISupplierCard
private ICollection<PurchaseCategory> _purchaseCategories;
public ICollection<PurchaseCategory> PurchaseCategories
get { return _purchaseCategories; }
set { SetNotifyField(ref _purchaseCategories, value, () => PurchaseCategories); }
public SupplierProfile Profile { get; protected set; }
private SupplierCard()
this.Profile = new SupplierProfile();
this.PurchaseCategories = new Collection<PurchaseCategory>();
public SupplierCard(long id, string alf, string name)
: this(id, alf, new SimpleNameHolder(name), new Collection<IPhysicalAddress>(), new DigitalAddresses()) { }
public SupplierCard(long id, string alf, INameHolder nameHolder,
ICollection<IPhysicalAddress> physicalAddresses, IDigitalAddresses digitalAddresses)
: this(id, alf, nameHolder, physicalAddresses, digitalAddresses, null) { }
public SupplierCard(long id, string alf, INameHolder nameHolder,
ICollection<IPhysicalAddress> physicalAddresses, IDigitalAddresses digitalAddresses, IValidatableObject validator)
: base(id, alf, nameHolder, physicalAddresses, digitalAddresses, validator)
this.Profile = new SupplierProfile();
this.PurchaseCategories = new Collection<PurchaseCategory>();
public class SupplierProfile : AbstractAspect
private TradingEntity _incType;
public TradingEntity BusinessType
get { return _incType; }
if (_incType != null) { this.DeregisterSubPropertyForChangeTracking(this.BusinessType); }
_incType = value; this.OnPropertyChanged("TradingType");
private bool _emailOk;
private bool _smailOk;
public bool MarketingEmailOk
get { return _emailOk; }
set { _emailOk = value; this.OnPropertyChanged("MarketingEmailOk"); }
public bool MarketingSmailOk
get { return _smailOk; }
set { _smailOk = value; this.OnPropertyChanged("MarketingSmailOk"); }
public SupplierProfile()
: base()
this.BusinessType = new TradingEntity(ContactLegalType.Limited);
These are my configuration classes:
public class SupplierCardConfiguration
: EntityTypeConfiguration<SupplierCard>, IEntityConfiguration
public SupplierCardConfiguration()
this.ToTable("SupplierCard", "erp_wms");
HasKey(u => u.Id);
Property(u => u.Id).HasColumnName("SupplierId");
Ignore(u => u.UsePropertyNotifications);
Property(u => u.Profile.MarketingEmailOk).HasColumnName("MarketingEmailOk");
HasMany(i => i.PurchaseCategories)
.WithMany(c => c.Suppliers)
.Map(mc =>
mc.ToTable("SupplierPurchaseCategory", "erp_wms");
public void AddConfiguration(ConfigurationRegistrar registrar)
public class SupplierProfileConfiguration
: EntityTypeConfiguration<SupplierProfile>, IEntityConfiguration
public SupplierProfileConfiguration()
this.ToTable("SupplierCard", "erp_wms");
Ignore(u => u.UsePropertyNotifications);
Property(u => u.MarketingEmailOk).HasColumnName("MarketingEmailOk");
public void AddConfiguration(ConfigurationRegistrar registrar)
Ok so Ive tried ignoring SupplierProfile as per suggestion that changed nothing. I then tried removing the configuration class for Supplier Profile and left
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
and that generated an error:
{"The property 'Profile' is not a declared property on type 'SupplierCard'. Verify that the property has not been explicitly excluded from the model by using the Ignore method or NotMappedAttribute data annotation. Make sure that it is a valid primitive property."} [System.InvalidOperationException]: {"The property 'Profile' is not a declared property on type 'SupplierCard'. Verify that the property has not been explicitly excluded from the model by using the Ignore method or NotMappedAttribute data annotation. Make sure that it is a valid primitive property."}
I then tried removing the
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
while leaving out the configuration class for SupplierProfile and that generates the error:
Message: "Invalid column name 'Profile_BusinessType_ContactLegalType'.\r\nInvalid column name 'Profile_BusinessType_TradingSince'.\r\nInvalid column name 'Profile_BusinessType_State'.\r\nInvalid column name 'Profile_BusinessType_UsePropertyNotifications'.\r\nInvalid column name 'MarketingEmailOk'.\r\nInvalid column name 'Profile_MarketingSmailOk'.\r\nInvalid column name 'Profile_State'.\r\nInvalid column name 'Profile_UsePropertyNotifications'.\r\nInvalid column name 'OwnerId'.\r\nInvalid column name 'State'."
So like I said, just **bumbling** along ;)