You can try
or roll your own like I did. Never mind missing error handling for now (just ignore that) ;)
var sys = require('sys');
var Simplifier = exports.Simplifier = function() {}
Simplifier.prototype.execute = function(context, functions, finalFunction) {
this.functions = functions;
this.results = {};
this.finalFunction = finalFunction;
this.totalNumberOfCallbacks = 0
this.context = context;
var self = this;
functions.forEach(function(f) {
f(function() {
self.totalNumberOfCallbacks = self.totalNumberOfCallbacks + 1;
self.results[f] =, 0);
if(self.totalNumberOfCallbacks >= self.functions.length) {
// Order the results by the calling order of the functions
var finalResults = [];
self.functions.forEach(function(f) {
// Call the final function passing back all the collected results in the right order
finalFunction.apply(self.context, finalResults);
And a simple example using it
// Execute
new simplifier.Simplifier().execute(
// Context of execution
// Array of processes to execute before doing final handling
[function(callback) {
db.collection('githubusers', function(err, collection) {
collection.find({}, {limit:30}, function(err, cursor) {
cursor.toArray(function(err, users) { callback(users); })
function(callback) {
db.collection('githubprojects', function(err, collection) {
collection.find({}, {limit:45, sort:[['watchers', -1]]}, function(err, cursor) {
cursor.toArray(function(err, projects) { callback(projects); })
// Handle the final result
function(users, projects) {
// Do something when ready