我有一组由 3D 点组成的集群。我想从每两个集群中获取最近的两个点。
例如:我有 5 个集群 C1 到 C5,由一个 3D 点组成。对于 C1 和 C2,有两个点 Pc1“C1 中的点”和 Pc2“C2 中的点”,它们是两个簇 C1 和 C2 之间最近的两个点,在 C1 和 C3..C5 之间相同,在 C2 和 C3 之间相同。 .C5 等等。之后,我将有 20 个点代表不同集群之间最近的点。
感谢 Amro 的回答,我已将其更新为 CIDX=kmeans(X, K,'distance','cityblock', 'replicates',5); 解决空簇错误。但是出现了另一个错误“pdistmex Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options。” 所以我在这里检查了你的答案:Out of memory error while using clusterdata in MATLAB并更新了你的代码,但现在的问题是这段代码中现在有一个索引错误mn = min(min(D(idx1,idx2)));
%function single_linkage(depth,clrr)
X = randn(5000,3);
% clr = clrr;
clr = jet(K);
%// cluster into K=4
K = 7;
%CIDX = kmeans(X,K);
%// pairwise distances
SUBSET_SIZE = 1000; %# subset size
ind = randperm(size(X,1));
data = X(ind(1:SUBSET_SIZE), :);
D = squareform(pdist(data));
subs = 1:size(D,1);
CIDX=kmeans(D, K,'distance','sqEuclidean', 'replicates',5);
centers = zeros(K, size(data,2));
for i=1:size(data,2)
centers(:,i) = accumarray(CIDX, data(:,i), [], @mean);
%# calculate distance of each instance to all cluster centers
D = zeros(size(X,1), K);
for k=1:K
D(:,k) = sum( bsxfun(@minus, X, centers(k,:)).^2, 2);
%# assign each instance to the closest cluster
[~,clustIDX] = min(D, [], 2);
%// for each pair of clusters
cpairs = nchoosek(1:K,2);
pairs = zeros(size(cpairs));
dists = zeros(size(cpairs,1),1);
for i=1:size(cpairs,1)
%// index of points assigned to each of the two cluster
idx1 = (clustIDX == cpairs(i,1));
idx2 = (clustIDX == cpairs(i,2));
%// shortest distance between the two clusters
mn = min(min(D(idx1,idx2)));
dists(i) = mn;
%// corresponding pair of points with the minimum distance
[r,c] = find(D(idx1,idx2)==mn);
s1 = subs(idx1); s2 = subs(idx2);
pairs(i,:) = [s1(r) s2(c)];
%// filter pairs by keeping only those whose distances is below a threshold
thresh = inf;
cpairs(dist>thresh,:) = [];
%// plot 3D points color-coded by clusters
%clr = lines(K);
h = zeros(1,K);
for i=1:K
h(i) = line(X(CIDX==i,1), X(CIDX==i,2), X(CIDX==i,3), ...
'Color',clr(i,:), 'LineStyle','none', 'Marker','.', 'MarkerSize',5);
legend(h, num2str((1:K)', 'C%d')) %'
view(3), axis vis3d, grid on
%// mark and connect nearest points between each pair of clusters
for i=1:size(pairs,1)
line(X(pairs(i,:),1), X(pairs(i,:),2), X(pairs(i,:),3), ...
'Color','k', 'LineStyle','-', 'LineWidth',3, ...
'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize',10);