I have a Plone 4.3 site that was a migration from a Plone 2.5 site. It had been working fine, but for some reason the default editor that shows up when editing any page or content item is the straight HTML view.

I've tested it in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari — all shows up the same. The drop down menu above the editing box shows these options:

Editor options

I've also tried switching the "Default editor" both in the Site setup > Editing Control Panel and also through the ZMI > portal_properties > site_properties > available_editors but no dice. The options there are None, Kupu, and TinyMCE.

There are two other Plone sites on this same instance (not migrations though, they started as Plone 4.3 sites) and their editors show up like normal.

Any thoughts? I'm at a loss, except to maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling TinyMCE through buildout, but I'm wary of whether or not that might break something else, especially if it breaks the other two sites.


2 回答 2


4.3 在创建克隆站点时加载通用设置配置文件步骤时遇到一些随机故障。有几种替代方法可以解决此问题:

1) 确定遗漏的步骤(在本例中为 TinyMCE)并转到 portal_setup 并运行它们。或者,重新运行所有步骤。

2) 删除或注释掉base.cfg 中的“PYTHONHASHSEED random”行。重新运行构建。重新开始。重新添加您的 Plone 站点。

3) 升级到 Plone 4.3.1。我还没有听说有人对 4.3.1 有这个问题。如果这样做,请务必提交错误报告!

于 2013-08-07T14:54:18.983 回答

Plone 还将所选编辑器存储在用户首选项中。查看http://yoursite/@@personal-preferences

有一个小脚本可以将所有用户迁移到 tinymce -> http://plone.org/products/tinymce/documentation/how-to/how-to-set-tinymce-as-default-editor-for-current-users/

于 2013-08-07T07:24:17.613 回答