I'm starting a project in C++ and I want to create a graph of the CPU like found in the task manager.

Should I be looking for a graphing or display library? Should I investigate using OpenGL to display a real time graph?

I'm looking for the most elegant solution to get a graph display inside a window.

I looked around and could not even find out what the task manager uses to display it's CPU and memory graphs, and I don't want to jump in and start using and learning the wrong tool for the job.


1 回答 1


任务管理器之类的东西不会经常更新屏幕(大约一秒一次)。这意味着效率对它来说并不是一个大问题。GDI 可能是最简单的绘图方法,并且几乎可以肯定仍会提供完全足够的性能。


于 2013-08-07T05:34:45.527 回答