我在我的 c# selenium 应用程序中有另一个这样的要求。由于我的网页表格中有很多内容,因此根据应用名称对其进行排序会非常好。我有这样的内容:
Description App Name Information
Some Desc1 App1 Some Info
Some Desc2 App2 Some Info
Some Desc3 App2 Some Info
Some Desc4 App3 Some Info
Some Desc5 App4 Some Info
var elems = driver.FindElements(By.TagName("SPAN")); //SPAN is the only attribute I could see and it is also unique for all the app names provided in the list. So, used driver.FindElements
IList<IWebElement> list = elems; //Converts it as a list
var elem= list.Equals(text); // text represents an app name provided by the user in a textbox at the start of the application. Storing that appname into a variable elem.
string targetele = elem.ToString(); //Converting it into a string
if (list.Equals(text))
driver.FindElement(By.Name(targetele)).Click(); //Click on a particular app name to filter