In the slickgrid example4, there is checkbox option 'force fit columns' in column picker. When I check the option, the grid will call autosizeColumns method to make columns wider to fit the grid canvas width. But when I uncheck the option, it can not be restored to the initial view state. please could someone make any suggestion? thanks.

please view the example page. http://mleibman.github.io/SlickGrid/examples/example4-model.html


1 回答 1


您应该在使用时使用minWidthmaxWidth属性,force fit column这样您就不会掉下来,它们都应该结合使用...请查看我之前对类似问题的回答中的 2 个,这应该会有所帮助你出去,希望它有帮助。

Slickgrid 列宽应根据最宽的行内容自动调整大小


于 2013-08-07T15:22:23.993 回答