启动 VS 2012 时,我在输出窗口中收到此错误:

> TF205020: Could not connect to server ‘https://Xxxxxxxx. This server was used in your last session, but it might be offline or unreachable. Confirm that the server is available on the network. To attempt to connect again, or to a different server, click ‘Connect To Team Foundation Server’ in Team Explorer or the Team menu.
> The server returned the following error: TF400324: Team Foundation
> services are not available from server https://Xxxxxxx. Technical
> information (for administrator):   The underlying connection was
> closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure
> channel.

(此处为 Xxxxx 用于服务器名称)。

这是几个月前我在合同项目中使用的 TFS 服务器 - 我不再与他们合作,所以我希望它消失。我在 Team / Connect to Team Foundation Server... 对话框中删除了服务器,但这似乎存在于 VS 的内存中某处。



4 回答 4


通过执行以下操作,我(终于)能够删除我对旧 TFS 服务器的所有绑定和引用:

  1. 删除文件夹的内容,%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Cache.
  2. 正如其他人建议的那样,搜索所有出现的LocalItemExclusions.configwithin ,并删除在其属性%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\中引用过时服务器的任何/所有“TeamProjectCollection”元素。uri="..."

  3. 编辑文件,%LocalAppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\TeamExplorer\TeamExplorer.Config. 删除所有具有引用过时服务器的 url 属性的“服务器”元素。

我为 VS 2010 和 VS2012 都这样做了。直到我完成了第三步,原帖提到的错误才消失,Visual Studio 像往常一样快速启动。

于 2014-03-21T02:40:39.350 回答

I found that I needed to do both steps to remove this from VS 2012 :

  1. Delete the content of the folder %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Cache
  2. Delete the content of the folder %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\

Much thanks to both contributors for their help. Shame to Microsoft for not insuring that removing Team Foundation occurs cleanly.

于 2014-09-17T13:02:49.830 回答

我不愿意使用superlime回答这个问题的第一部分中描述的核选项 - 删除"%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\"的全部内容。

相反,我遵循了他回答的第二部分 - 删除了"%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\NN\Cache"的内容,这是我为找到的所有版本(NN)所做的。


  • “%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\”及其子文件夹中搜索所有出现的名为LocalItemExclusions.config的文件。
  • 从这些文件中删除所有在其uri="..."属性中引用过时服务器的<TeamProjectCollection>元素。

这对我来说已经足够了——但是,如果您已经使用 TFS 定位该服务器一段时间,我可以想象其他参考资料会潜伏。如果上述步骤还不够,您可以简单地尝试在该目录层次结构中的所有文件(不包括日志)中搜索其他引用,然后通过手术将它们删除。

于 2014-03-05T23:37:03.360 回答

Bit of a "nuke from orbit" option, but try deleting the contents of the TFS client cache. Should be located in this location:

%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\

According to this blog post (which is for 2010, and a little stale on version info), you should just delete the contents of the cache folder, not the cache folder itself (or the parent dir).. So theoretically you'd just want to delete everything inside of:

%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache
于 2013-09-12T19:09:53.237 回答