我正在尝试在 Rally 中创建自定义计划页面。我想限制我们分配给用户的任务数量。我可以轻松创建一个网格,列出每个用户的每个任务,但我不知道如何获得估计小时数的总和。

然后我尝试创建一个自定义报告,但该报告无法计算分配给一个人的任务小时数 - 即使我将任务标记给一个人并对其进行查询。



2 回答 2


我刚刚开始使用 Rally,这正是我所追求的。恐怕我对添加自定义应用程序完全陌生,我已经尝试过,但没有呈现任何内容(我显然在某处做错了什么)

我根据nickm 的回答创建了以下 HTML,并想知道是否有人能指出我哪里出错了。

我假设我需要创建一个 div 来包含网格(以及一个包含迭代下拉列表的元素),但我不知道为它们分配什么 html id


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
    <title>My App</title>

    <!--App information-->
    <meta name="Name" content="App: My App"/>
    <meta name="Version" content="1.0"/>
    <meta name="Vendor" content=""/>

    <!--Include SDK-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/apps/1.29/sdk.js"></script>

    <!--App code-->
    <script type="text/javascript">

        function onLoad() {
            //Add app code here
            Ext.define('CustomApp', {
                extend: 'Rally.app.TimeboxScopedApp',
                componentCls: 'app',
                scopeType: 'iteration',
                comboboxConfig: {
                    fieldLabel: 'Select an Iteration:',
                    labelWidth: 100,
                    width: 300

                addContent: function() {


                _makeStore: function(){
                     Ext.create('Rally.data.WsapiDataStore', {
                        model: 'Task',
                        fetch: ['FormattedID','Name','Owner','Estimate'],
                        pageSize: 100,
                        autoLoad: true,
                        filters: [this.getContext().getTimeboxScope().getQueryFilter()],
                        listeners: {
                            load: this._onTasksLoaded,
                            scope: this

               onScopeChange: function() {

                _onTasksLoaded: function(store, data){
                        this.tasks = data;
                        Ext.create('Rally.data.WsapiDataStore', {
                            model: 'UserIterationCapacity',
                            fetch: ['User', 'TaskEstimates', 'Iteration', 'Capacity'],  
                            pageSize: 100,
                            autoLoad: true,
                            filters: [this.getContext().getTimeboxScope().getQueryFilter()],
                            listeners: {
                                load: this._onAllDataLoaded,
                                scope: this
                   _onAllDataLoaded: function(store, data){
                            var tasks = [];
                            var users = [];
                            that = this
                            if (data.length ===0) {
                            this._createGrid();  //to refresh grid when no items in iteration
                            Ext.Array.each(this.tasks, function(task) {
                                        var owner = task.get('Owner'); 
                                        var total;
                                        var cap;
                                                Ext.Array.each(data, function(capacity){
                                                     //some tasks have no owner. If this condition is not checked Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_refObjectName' of null 
                                                    if (owner && capacity.get('User')._refObjectName === owner._refObjectName) { 
                                                        total = capacity.get('TaskEstimates');
                                                        cap = capacity.get('Capacity');
                                                var t  = {
                                            FormattedID: task.get('FormattedID'),
                                            _ref: task.get("_ref"), 
                                            Name: task.get('Name'),
                                            Estimate: task.get('Estimate'),
                                            Owner: (owner && owner._refObjectName) || 'None',
                                            Capacity: cap,
                                            TaskEstimates: total


                 _createGrid: function(stories) {
                    var myStore = Ext.create('Rally.data.custom.Store', {
                            data: stories,
                            pageSize: 100,  
                    if (!this.grid) {
                    this.grid = this.add({
                        xtype: 'rallygrid',
                        itemId: 'mygrid',
                        store: myStore,
                        columnCfgs: [
                               text: 'Formatted ID', dataIndex: 'FormattedID', xtype: 'templatecolumn',
                                tpl: Ext.create('Rally.ui.renderer.template.FormattedIDTemplate')
                                text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name'
                                text: 'Estimate', dataIndex: 'Estimate'
                                text: 'Owner', dataIndex: 'Owner'
                                text: 'User Iteration Capacity', dataIndex: 'Capacity'
                                text: 'Task Estimates Total', dataIndex: 'TaskEstimates'





    <!--App styles-->
    <style type="text/css">

        .myApp {
            /* Add app styles here */


<body class="myApp">
<div id="mygrid"></div>


于 2013-11-06T10:44:39.973 回答

此自定义应用程序通过迭代构建任务网格,其中包括 UserIterationCapacity 数据,特别是 TaskEstimates 和 Capacity 的总和。

Ext.define('CustomApp', {
    extend: 'Rally.app.TimeboxScopedApp',
    componentCls: 'app',
    scopeType: 'iteration',
    comboboxConfig: {
        fieldLabel: 'Select an Iteration:',
        labelWidth: 100,
        width: 300

    addContent: function() {


    _makeStore: function(){
         Ext.create('Rally.data.WsapiDataStore', {
            model: 'Task',
            fetch: ['FormattedID','Name','Owner','Estimate'],
            pageSize: 100,
            autoLoad: true,
            filters: [this.getContext().getTimeboxScope().getQueryFilter()],
            listeners: {
                load: this._onTasksLoaded,
                scope: this

   onScopeChange: function() {

    _onTasksLoaded: function(store, data){
            this.tasks = data;
            Ext.create('Rally.data.WsapiDataStore', {
                model: 'UserIterationCapacity',
                fetch: ['User', 'TaskEstimates', 'Iteration', 'Capacity'],  
                pageSize: 100,
                autoLoad: true,
                filters: [this.getContext().getTimeboxScope().getQueryFilter()],
                listeners: {
                    load: this._onAllDataLoaded,
                    scope: this
       _onAllDataLoaded: function(store, data){
                var tasks = [];
                var users = [];
                that = this
                if (data.length ===0) {
                this._createGrid();  //to refresh grid when no items in iteration
                Ext.Array.each(this.tasks, function(task) {
                            var owner = task.get('Owner'); 
                            var total;
                            var cap;
                                    Ext.Array.each(data, function(capacity){
                                         //some tasks have no owner. If this condition is not checked Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_refObjectName' of null 
                                        if (owner && capacity.get('User')._refObjectName === owner._refObjectName) { 
                                            total = capacity.get('TaskEstimates');
                                            cap = capacity.get('Capacity');
                                    var t  = {
                                FormattedID: task.get('FormattedID'),
                                _ref: task.get("_ref"), 
                                Name: task.get('Name'),
                                Estimate: task.get('Estimate'),
                                Owner: (owner && owner._refObjectName) || 'None',
                                Capacity: cap,
                                TaskEstimates: total


     _createGrid: function(stories) {
        var myStore = Ext.create('Rally.data.custom.Store', {
                data: stories,
                pageSize: 100,  
        if (!this.grid) {
        this.grid = this.add({
            xtype: 'rallygrid',
            itemId: 'mygrid',
            store: myStore,
            columnCfgs: [
                   text: 'Formatted ID', dataIndex: 'FormattedID', xtype: 'templatecolumn',
                    tpl: Ext.create('Rally.ui.renderer.template.FormattedIDTemplate')
                    text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name'
                    text: 'Estimate', dataIndex: 'Estimate'
                    text: 'Owner', dataIndex: 'Owner'
                    text: 'User Iteration Capacity', dataIndex: 'Capacity'
                    text: 'Task Estimates Total', dataIndex: 'TaskEstimates'


于 2013-08-06T22:12:55.897 回答