我知道这里有人问过它,但它对我不起作用。我正在从我的扩展的 JS 文件中注入以下 html。在同一个文件中,我定义了 closepop() ,它应该在 onClick 事件中执行,但是当我单击它时它没有被执行。

function openpop(obj){var refPopUpDiv = obj.getElementById('popUpDiv');refPopUpDiv.style.display = 'block';}
document.addEventListener("MY_EVENT", closepop, false, true);
function closepop()
    alert("Hurray from page")
var myExtension = {
    init: function() {
        // The event can be DOMContentLoaded, pageshow, pagehide, load or unload.
        if(gBrowser) gBrowser.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this.onPageLoad, false);
    onPageLoad: function(aEvent) {
        var doc = aEvent.originalTarget; // doc is document that triggered the event
        win = doc.defaultView; // win is the window for the doc
        var head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
        if(typeof doc !="undefined" && typeof head !="undefined")
       // win.wrappedJSObject.testFunction();
        var style = doc.getElementById("link_picker");
       //fire only when loaded
       if(doc.nodeName == "#document")

           if(doc.location.href.indexOf("facebook.com") == -1) 
                var blue_bar =  $(doc).find("#blueBar");

                var themeURL1 = "theme1.css";
                var themeURL2 = "theme2.css";
                var themeURL3 = "theme3.css";
                var themeURL4 = "theme4.css";
                var themeURL5 = "theme5.css";
                var themeURL6  = "theme6.css";

                if(typeof blue_bar.html()!="undefined")
                    var blueBarHtml = blue_bar.html();
                    var model1 = "http://oi43.tinypic.com/20ewx.jpg";
                    var model2 = "http://oi43.tinypic.com/20kc56x.jpg";
                    var model3 = "http://oi43.tinypic.com/3ec56x.jpg";
                    var model4 = "http://oi43.tinypic.com/ess.jpg";
                    var model5 = "http://oi43.tinypic.com/xx.jpg";
                    var model6 = "http://oi43.tinypic.com/210xx4526x.jpg";

                    var theme1text = "My Lovely ew";
                    var theme2text = "My Lovely Moewbile2";
                    var theme3text = "My Lovely Mobile3";
                    var theme4text = "My Lovely Mobile4";
                    var theme5text = "My Lovely Mobile5";
                    var theme6text = "My Lovely Mobile6";
                    //Propmo Text
                    var promoLeft = "All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.";
                    var promoRight = "All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.All My Mumbo JOb Goes here.";
                    var popUpDiv = "<div id ='popUpDiv' class='popUpDiv'><div class=close><a onclick='closepop();' title=Close href=#>X</a></div><div class=clearfix></div><div id=promoLeft>"+promoLeft+"</div><div id=modelContainer><a onclick='setTheme(\""+themeURL1+"\")' title='"+theme1text+"' href=#><img class=model src='"+model1+"' /></a><a onclick='setTheme(\""+themeURL2+"\")' title='"+theme2text+"' href=#><img class=model src='"+model2+"' /></a><a onclick='setTheme(\""+themeURL3+"\")' title='"+theme3text+"' href=#><img class=model src='"+model3+"' /></a><a onclick='setTheme(\""+themeURL4+"\")' title='"+theme4text+"' href=#><img class=model src='"+model4+"' /></a><a onclick='setTheme(\""+themeURL5+"\")' title='"+theme5text+"' href=#><img class=model src='"+model5+"' /></a><a onclick='setTheme(\""+themeURL6+"\")' title='"+theme6text+"' href=#><img class=model src='"+model6+"' /></a></div><div id=promoRight>"+promoRight+"</div><div id=save><input onclick='saveChanges();' type=button value='Save and Close' /></div></div>";
window.addEventListener("load", function load(event){
    window.removeEventListener("load", load, false); //remove listener, no longer needed

//Add Style Sheet

function addStyleSheet(head,doc,file)
     var path = "chrome://xxx/content/"+file;
     var headHTML = "";
     if(head.innerHTML!="" && head.innerHTML!= null)
        // alert();
         headHTML = head.innerHTML;
         var css1 = '<link id = "css_link0" id= type=text/css rel=stylesheet href='+path+'>';
         var js = '<script id=cust_evt>var evt = document.createEvent("Events");evt.initEvent("MY_EVENT", true, false);document.dispatchEvent(evt);</script>';
         head.innerHTML = headHTML+css1+js;

1 回答 1

document.addEventListener("MY_EVENT", closepop, false, true);

您的closepop事件是在“MY_EVENT”上调用的,而不是单击,它是由 addStyleSheet 从页面加载中调度的。

于 2013-08-07T18:44:44.363 回答