在开发环境中,我的 Web 应用程序正确记录了所有消息。在舞台环境中,会记录 global.asax 中的 session_end 事件,但不会记录 global.asax 之外的任何内容。在开发上,当我启动显示我登录的应用程序时,我可以看到一个基本日志,但在阶段没有任何内容。
-code is same in both environments
-.NET 4.0 web application deployed to IIS
-log4net.config is same in both environments
-logs to text file on same drive as application that runs it
-logger is instantiated in static class, used through whole application.
-global.asax application_start configures logger by building FileInfo object that points to log4net.config and doing this log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(file);