我有一个注册域,我使用 hushmail 作为邮件提供商。我想从 Mail.app 发送电子邮件,就好像它们是从我的域发送的一样。出于安全原因(垃圾邮件),Hushmail SMTP 服务器不允许我使用与帐户名不同的“发件人”地址。

我找到了一种让 Apple 邮件始终使用默认值填充回复邮件的方法,在这里:http ://email.about.com/od/macosxmailtips/qt/etalwaysreplyto.htm但这对我来说太激烈了,因为我的邮件客户端中有多个邮件帐户。

在 Mail.app 中,我可以手动设置“回复”字段,但 Mail.app 中没有设置根据我选择的邮箱自动填写。

到目前为止,我有一个 AppleScript 能够在所选邮件上创建回复:

tell application "Mail"
    set theSelection to selection
    if theSelection is {} then return

    repeat with thisMessage in theSelection
        set theOutgoingMessage to reply thisMessage with opening window

        # Wait for Mail.app to create the reply window
        repeat until exists (window 1 whose name = "Re: " & subject of thisMessage)
        end repeat
        delay 0.1

        # Here I want to set the reply-to address here based on the 
        # selected mailbox, or the "from" address of 
        # the current mail.

        # The I need to restore the cursor to the body of the mail 
        # (if cursor was moved)
    end repeat
end tell

我查看了 AppleScript 字典(文件 -> 打开字典 -> Mail.app -> 消息 -> 消息 -> 回复),这似乎是我应该能够设置的属性,但是当我做某事时喜欢:

tell theOutgoingMessage
make new recipient at end of reply to with properties {address:"myreplyto@example.com"}

弹出一条错误消息,说“邮件出错:无法得到外发邮件 id 65 的回复”。


tell theOutgoingMessage
set reply to to "myreplyto@example.com"

但这会弹出一条错误消息,提示“邮件出错:无法将传出消息 id 69 的回复设置为“myreplyto@example.com”。



2 回答 2


正如我在对您的帖子的评论中提到的,您不能以编程方式设置回复地址,因为它是只读属性。因此,您需要为此解决方案编写 ui 脚本。

ui 脚本的问题在于它不是一门精确的科学。如果 Apple 更改了 ui 元素的位置,那么您的脚本将停止工作。例如,我有 Mail.app v6.5,可以使用“窗口 1 的滚动区域 1 的文本字段 1”来引用回复字段。在其他版本的 Mail.app 中可能会有所不同(并且可能是)。

无论如何,在 Mail.app 的 v6.5 中,这将使用 ui 脚本执行您想要的操作。

tell application "Mail"
    set theSelection to selection
    if theSelection is {} then return

    repeat with thisMessage in theSelection
        set replyToAddress to item 1 of (get email addresses of account of mailbox of thisMessage)
        set replyToWindowName to subject of thisMessage
        if replyToWindowName does not start with "Re:" then set replyToWindowName to "Re: " & replyToWindowName

        -- open the reply message
        set theOutgoingMessage to reply thisMessage with opening window

        -- Wait for Mail.app to create the reply window
        repeat until exists (window 1 whose name is replyToWindowName)
            delay 0.2
        end repeat

        -- make sure the reply-to field is showing
        my openReplyToField()

        -- set the reply-to address here based on the selected mailbox
        my setValueOfReplyToField(replyToAddress)
    end repeat
end tell

on openReplyToField()
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "Mail"
            -- figure out if the reply-to text field is visible
            set staticText to value of every static text of window 1
            if staticText contains "Reply To:" then return

            -- the reply-to field is not visible so we click the menu item
            set viewMenu to menu 1 of menu bar item "View" of menu bar 1
            set replyToMenuItem to first menu item of viewMenu whose name contains "Reply-To"
            click replyToMenuItem
        end tell
    end tell
end openReplyToField

on setValueOfReplyToField(theValue)
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "Mail"
            set replyToField to text field 1 of scroll area 1 of window 1
            set value of replyToField to theValue
        end tell
    end tell
end setValueOfReplyToField
于 2013-08-06T22:20:17.083 回答


make new recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:"myreplyto@example.com"}
于 2013-08-06T20:26:28.953 回答