EDIT: Jonathan's suggestion worked. I tried using version 1.1.5 and that throws a "Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed" error for the duplicate empty strings. I'll accept an answer when I get home from work, this browser does not have much enabled.
I am having an issue with using ng-model in an input tag. I have set up a JSFiddle which contains my code. The issue occurs when you click "Add" and then try to change one of the input boxes below. The input refuses to let you type in it!
<div ng-class="{selected: selectedPart==$index, cell: selectedPart!=$index}"
ng-click="selectPart($index)" ng-repeat="part in parts">
<textarea class="prompt" ng-model='part.wording'></textarea>
<span class="numbering" ng-repeat="option in part.options">
{{ $index+1 }}).
<textarea class="option" ng-model="option"></textarea>
StaticEX.controller('mainController', function($scope) {
$scope.parts = [];
$scope.ps = "Problem Statement";
$scope.selectedPart = null;
$scope.newPart = function() {
return {"wording": "Prompt",
"options": ["", "", "", ""]}
$scope.addPart = function() {
Is this an issue with how I am referring to "option"? Is this a pseudo-variable that is created for the "ng-repeat" directive and isn't actually linked to "$scope"? Or am I doing something profoundly stupid?