I have my first web site :), almost ready. There are a few little problems that I have spent days with no solution in sight. The customized google maps with custimezed google infobubble creates this div that creates a clickable shadow... See below the the ghost DIV that I did not create just underneath of the word "cadastro", to the right of the navigation bar:

<div id="eccaption_0" class="eccaption" style="position: absolute; display: block; background-color: black; color: white; top: 63px; left: 708.328125px; width: 158px; opacity: 0.5;"><p></p></div>

Here is the page: braaasil.com If you cick on cadastro, there is no ghost shadow. If you click on "Sem Fronteiras", you will see the same little ghost. I have learned my way with firebug in the last 7 months or so, but this little problem is kind of surreal... It seems to be related to infobubble, but I can't find the source of the problem. It can be "fixed" in the firebug console, but not in the real code... because there is no such div.. Also, I had alt= logo in the img tag and I could se the semi transparent div with the word logo in there. Once I delete the "alt" parameter from img, I get just the skinny div.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


2 回答 2


The div is a child element of the following HTML block -

<div id="navig" style="position:absolute; top:11px; left:51%">  
        <li id="navigation">
            <a href="index.html">
                    <div id="eccaption_0" class="eccaption" style="position: absolute; display: block; background-color: black; color: white; top: 63px; left: 708.328125px; width: 158px; opacity: 0.5;">
                    <img src="images/logo1.fw.png" id="ecimage_0">

Go look in your HTML and you should find it there or something is creating it.

By the way, I am using Chrome and right-clicking and clicking on 'Inspect Element' shows me your HTML, the same thing should work in FireFox.

于 2013-08-06T17:44:26.907 回答

AFter trying to create a style for the div created by the browser, I finally came up with a solution to shrink it. Not the best solution, but it works.

.eccaption { width:0;  
position:fixed !important;


This "fix" brought the browser's div/class to the right spot (at the img tag) and the height 0, widht 0 make it disappear.

I will need to fix the other problem raised by the PW Kad, the ad, which I can't see in my desktop, laptop and tablet (not optimized for the tablet yet). Thank you.

于 2013-08-06T19:49:36.233 回答