I am trying to develop a simple calendar app with a live tile but in battery saver mode the background agent won't run and I can't have the live tile updated with the current day and day of week.

I noticed that the Calendar (1st party app) does not suffer from this problem even in Battery Saver mode.

Does it get special attention / capabilities being a first party app or there is some trick that I don't know (yet)?


1 回答 1


内置(或系统)应用程序不像第 3 方应用程序那样受到限制。Windows Phone 上有很多这样的例子,但有两个明显的例子是......

  • 即使打开了省电模式(您已注意到),日历应用程序也会更新其动态磁贴。

  • People Hub 动态磁贴有许多按顺序旋转的小磁贴 - 作为开发人员,我们无权访问该动态磁贴模板。

  • Photos Hub Live Tile 使用平移动画显示照片 - 开发人员也无法使用。


于 2013-08-06T22:22:34.590 回答